Helen Thomas’ Final Solution


June 5, 2010

You’ve seen this, right?  Helen Thomas, a terrifyingly senior member of the White House press corps, recently took the opportunity to explain her take on international politics  . . . to a rabbi, at an event celebrating Jewish Heritage:

Kind of harsh, eh?  But it’s cool, it’s cool — she apologized.  According to Fox News:

In a written statement issued Friday, Thomas apologized, saying, “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

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She said the comments “do not reflect” her “heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance.”

“May that day come soon,” she added.

So my mind is at ease now.  When she said what she said, it was only because she forgot for a minute that you’re not supposed to publicly root for the annihilation of an entire people.  Poor Helen — ain’t it a pisser when you accidentally say out loud what you really think?

A couple of days ago, I heard my two-year-old screech, “HEY, some idiot spill’ my water!”

I said, “Lucy, that’s a mean word – -don’t say that.”

“Okay,” she says– “So, no idiot spill’ my water.”

A two-year-old can get away with this.  In a two-year-old’s world, you can just unsay something, and everyone’s happy.   Helen Thomas, on the other hand, ought to know better.  Helen Thomas ought to be sent back where she came from.  

Bring  sunscreen, Helen — I hear it’s pretty hot down there.  

I’m going to the beach now, so I won’t be able to respond to anyone who cares to fill the combox with accusations against the Israeli government.  Here’s what I have to say:  the Israelis are guilty of atrocities, and everyone knows it.  But I also know this:   if the Arabs laid down their arms, there would be peace.  If Israel laid down their arms, there would be no Israel.


  • Simcha Fisher is a cradle Hebrew Catholic, freelance writer, and mother of eight young kids. She received her BA in literature from Thomas More College in New Hampshire. She contributes to Crisis Magazine and Faith & Family Live!, and blogs at I Have to Sit Down. She is sort of writing a book.

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