LiveAction releases second undercover video of Planned Parenthood clinic


February 3, 2011

The pro-life group LiveAction released a video earlier this week where members posing as sex traffickers received advice on their “business” from a New Jersey Planned Parenthood clinic manager. Yesterday, the clinic fired that manager

Today, LiveAction released a second video that shows a similar scenario playing out in a Richmond, VA, clinic. LiveAction president Lila Rose explains:

In the footage, taken January 12, 2011, undercover actors tell the Planned Parenthood worker that they are involved in sex work, and manage 14 and 15 year old girls, “some of them from out of state, out of country.” The Planned Parenthood staffer assures him it is confidential, that “we see people here from all walks of life,” and goes on to coach the pimp how to obtain secret abortions for his sex slaves by circumventing Virginia law that require parental consent for underage abortions.

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The latest video is below (the first one, at the New Jersey clinic, can be seen here), though it may not be the last. Planned Parenthood attempted to get out in front of the story last week by announcing that they contacted the FBI about possible sex trafficking rings, but if multiple videos at different locations show a consistent pattern of clinic workers helping others break the law, it may not be enough. [video: 635×355]


  • Margaret Cabaniss is the former managing editor of Crisis Magazine. She joined Crisis in 2002 after graduating from the University of the South with a degree in English Literature and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She now blogs at

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