My Favorite Sports Day of the Year


April 5, 2010

Having Easter and Opening Day this close together definitely falls under the “Embarrassment of Riches” category for me. I’m sitting here amidst a sea of empty plastic eggs and Peep wrappers, watching my beloved Dodgers’ attempts to mount a come-back against the oft-hapless Pittsburgh Pirates.

The latest 3-run HR from the Bucs’ catcher makes said come-back less likely that it was moments ago, but it also highlights the way in which Opening Day is like Easter. Just as Christ’s Resurrection signals the beginning of a fresh, new liturgical year, so Opening Day singles a time of rebirth; a time of hope for baseball players and clubs throughout the country. Today, the Phillies and the Nationals are both equally distant from the World Series, and anything is possible — unless, of course, you’re hoping that the President of the United States will wear your team’s ball cap while throwing out the ceremonial first pitch.

(Yes, I know today is the NCAA basketball championship game. And no, it will never be even close to Opening Day in my heart.)

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  • Joseph Susanka has been doing development work for institutions of Catholic higher education since his graduation from Thomas Aquinas College in 1999. Currently residing in Lander, Wyoming — “where Stetsons meet Birkenstocks” — he is a columnist for Crisis Magazine and the Patheos Catholic portal.

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