It was bound to happen: A survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project has revealed that more Americans now get their news online than they do from any other source. Not only that, but close to 75% say they learn of a news item first from either email or one of the social media services.
Sixty-one percent of Americans said they get at least some of their news online, according to a survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
That’s compared with 54 percent who said they listen to a radio news program and 50 percent who said they read a national or local print newspaper.
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Almost all respondents, 92 percent, said they get their news from more than one platform.
Owing to my job, I’m on the computer all day. I get instant news alerts from Twitter, subscribe to the RSS feeds of a long list of news/commentary sites, stream Al Jazeera English for ‘televised’ news, and check Reddit and Digg throughout the day for trending items. The fact is, I’ve never been better informed about current events, international and domestic, and I almost never watch television or read newspapers.
Media change, and it makes no sense to fight it. We made the transition from the scroll to the codex without much harm, so I think we’ll be fine. The written word will continue, though the printed word may not. (So don’t worry, Kamilla.)
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I have a theory that House Republican approval ratings go up every time Nancy Pelosi gets in front of a microphone. Example:
“[Republicans have] had plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard,” she said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning. “Bipartisanship is a two-way street. A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes. Republicans have left their imprint.”
So because Democrats made changes to the bill in response to criticisms from the GOP and Blue Dog Democrats, we can consider it “bipartisan” legislation? Got it.
Remember that bipartisan Bush era? Sure, he didn’t get many Democratic votes for his domestic agenda, but an administration can be bipartisan without receiving bipartisan support, right Madame Speaker?
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Popcrunch has a list of the 16 Best Dystopian Books of All Time, and it’s bound to cause controversy. I’ve not read most of these titles (excepting the staples like Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, and A Clockwork Orange) and haven’t even heard of the book in first place.
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