Snow: Bringing out the dumb in people.


February 10, 2010

This is what my neighborhood here in Baltimore looked like after our storm over the weekend. And today we just got another 15 inches dumped on us. So, naturally, that must mean it’s time for idiots to try driving in it!

It amazes me that anyone would consider heading out in this mess; the city was on lock-down today, and it was actually illegal to be on the roads if you weren’t an emergency vehicle…and yet I just watched someone try to parallel park behind my car. At night. In blizzard conditions.

In the Washington Post, Monica Hesse exactly sums up my feelings about these…wonderful people:

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These past few days, the sane people of the region have been dedicating themselves to making sure you do not have to drive anywhere. The federal government has been shut down. Employers have offered telecommuting options. But as roads are plowed and cupboards are bare and cabin fever sets in, cars have begun to appear on the roads again, and many witnesses agree: The idiots are on the loose.

“So this Chevy Suburban,” Rudi Reik says. “This Chevy Suburban was driving behind a firetruck,” down a narrow Dupont Circle street in the middle of blizzard conditions. Apparently, the driver decided that the official vehicle was not moving fast enough. “He pulled out into the opposing lane of traffic and tried to pass,” beaten back only when the fire engine honked wildly. Idiot.

Weather like this was made for staying indoors, people. Take the hint.



  • Margaret Cabaniss is the former managing editor of Crisis Magazine. She joined Crisis in 2002 after graduating from the University of the South with a degree in English Literature and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She now blogs at

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