Sunday Comics: Armorquest Genesis


January 23, 2011

This graphic novel is one of the best I’ve ever read.  Firmly in the Lewis/Tolkien tradition, it posits an odd world full of anachronisms–like armored knights using swords and wearing jet boots.  Though no individual panel is especially beautiful, the artist’s overall storytelling skills–how he moves the reader from one moment to another–are as good as any I’ve seen in the industry.  Even the placement of the lettering is superb, truly adding to the overall reading experience.

The Christian messages and ethical dilemmas are potent enough that when I read this story aloud to my children (as I have twice or three times already over the last few years), we invariably stop several times to discuss their reactions and any questions that have popped up.  I recommend Armorquest Genesis as one of the best Christian GNs available today, and I give it my highest possible recommendation for kids or adults alike.  Some copies are available used on Amazon.

Here’s a preview:

Orthodox. Faithful. Free.

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For those so inclined, there’s an additional eight-page online prequel issue here. 

Buy it, read it, share it with your kids.  You’ll be glad you did.


  • Eric Pavlat is a convert from Unitarian Universalism who entered the Church in 1996. He lives in Maryland with his wife and six children. He is also a perpetually professed Lay Dominican in St. Pius V Pro-Chapter, located in Catonsville, MD. He founded Democrats for Life of Maryland, Inc., in 2004, served one term as president, and stayed on the board of directors until 2010. He now considers himself more a Distributist than anything else. Eric teaches 10th grade honors and special education students in English literature, composition, and grammar at his alma mater, Parkdale High School.

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