‘That is not a baby.’


December 14, 2009

Last Thursday was Human Rights Day and Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, held a hearing to highlight abuses in China, Cuba, Sudan, Vietnam and various other countries. 

Vietnam, for example, has gone “from bad to worse”:

“Hanoi has unleashed a torrent of repression upon courageous citizens fighting for basic rights. These victims have been imprisoned by the regime for practicing their faith and standing up for what they believe in,” he charged.

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Smith has introduced to the U.S. House the Vietnam Human Rights Act for the purpose of holding the Vietnamese government accountable for its mistreatment and incarceration of democracy activists, people of faith and labor rights activists.

Rep. Smith, who is the ranking member on the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, also voiced concern about human rights in China.

“The United States has been sending a message that profits and money-making and climate change issues trump human rights,” he claimed.

China has an oppressive one-child policy and its women reportedly have the highest suicide rate in the world.

Smith also voiced concern about peace in Sudan, which has suffered massacres, sexual violence and the destruction of entire villages.

Human Rights Day was established in 1948 when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations.



  • Brian Saint-Paul

    Brian Saint-Paul was the editor and publisher of Crisis Magazine. He has a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of America, in Washington. D.C. In addition to various positions in journalism and publishing, he has served as the associate director of a health research institute, a missionary, and a private school teacher. He lives with his wife in a historic Baltimore neighborhood, where he obsesses over Late Antiquity.

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