So what will it be?
A grande Latte… or Western Civilization?
A scone with that… or the meat of doctrine?
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An extra shot of espresso… or the survival of families?
A Moccachino… or the Mystical Body of Christ?
Today, the price is the same. Tomorrow the terms change. Tomorrow there may be silence, apart from the hiss of the DeLonghi coffee maker.
Dear Crisis Reader, I need your help today.
For 30 years, Crisis has defended the common good, a just society, and the teachings of the Church. Each day we are identifying the battle lines in the culture war, exploring the role of the entrepreneur, and discussing our role—your role—in this age of the laity.
This past January, the Holy Father addressed U.S. Bishops. He understands the critical role the laity will play in the fight already unfolding before us.
He didn’t mince words:
“It is imperative that the entire Catholic community in the United States come to realize the grave threats to the Church’s public moral witness presented by a radical secularism which finds increasing expression in the political and cultural spheres…
“Once more we see the need for an engaged, articulate and well-formed Catholic laity endowed with a strong critical sense vis-à-vis the dominant culture and with the courage to counter a reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church’s participation in public debate about the issues which are determining the future of American society.”
Always faithful to the authentic teachings of the Church, Crisis equips the laity with the ideas and arguments necessary to navigate the ideological (and often heretical) minefields of the day.
Best of all, the new Crisis is available for free with the vast Crisis magazine archives spanning more than two decades being unlocked.
While our own self-imposed austerity measures allow us to run the new Crisis on less than one fifth of the budget of previous years’, as a non-profit publication operating without subscription revenue, we are dependent on your support.
You’ve heard the pitch before, “If every reader were to give just $5…”
As annoying as it is to read (and to write), it is true.
So rather than place $5 in the hands of a barista and his company whose political views are at odds with your own, send Crisis the five bucks and we’ll use it to throw a coffee in the face of the Culture of Death!
Everything you receive on Crisis is free. But it isn’t free to produce. And that’s why we have to turn to you—our loyal reader—from time to time to ask for your support.
We need to raise $20,000 to operate through Spring. That’s really not a lot of money considering the high-quality content we provide each and every day.
I ask that you consider making a donation to Crisis right now. And I ask that you be as generous as you possibly can. Whether you give $5 or $25 or $500 or more, please know that no gift is too small and no gift is too large.
Your gift to Crisis Magazine is tax-deductible. Please help us ensure that Crisis will be here during this most critical moment for the Church and America.
Hard times are coming. We need your help today, if we are to fight tomorrow.
Make your tax deductible donation today.
In Christ the King,
William Edmund Fahey, Ph.D.
Publisher, Crisis
President, Sophia Institute
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