Walker Percy?


January 20, 2010

I know–something must be wrong; I’m writing, and it isn’t a Sunday.

So.  A Catholic friend and I were discussing novelists the other day, and the name Walker Percy came up.  I hadn’t heard more than his name before that time, but he sang his praises to the sky.  Novels like Love in the Ruins, The Thanatos Syndrome, The Second Coming, and Lancelot were unknown to me, but I have to admit that a few of them sound interesting.

Here’s your chance to educate me.  What do you think of the novels of Walker Percy?  Do his novels deserve a prominent place on Catholic readers’ bookshelves?

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  • Eric Pavlat is a convert from Unitarian Universalism who entered the Church in 1996. He lives in Maryland with his wife and six children. He is also a perpetually professed Lay Dominican in St. Pius V Pro-Chapter, located in Catonsville, MD. He founded Democrats for Life of Maryland, Inc., in 2004, served one term as president, and stayed on the board of directors until 2010. He now considers himself more a Distributist than anything else. Eric teaches 10th grade honors and special education students in English literature, composition, and grammar at his alma mater, Parkdale High School.

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