Working Hard in Florida for


February 3, 2010

I’m in the midst of my annual “swing” through Florida visiting various supporters of  Here I am hitting a 4-iron to the 200 yard 9th hole on the Hills Course at Jonathan’s Landing on Jupiter Island.  The ball ended up in the trap on the front right of the green.  I didn’t get up and down, but carded a pretty good score for the day, 76.  

My host for the day was Jerry Trautschold, the chairman of our annual Lazarus Golf Tournament. That’s Jerry below, hitting off the tee on the same hole — his shot landed left of the green but did get up and down for his par.  

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of playing with my friend Jack Whelan at the Bradenton Golf Club, a classic Donald Ross layout where the six-time winner of the British Open, Tony Jacklin, lives in a house on the back nine.  Paul Azinger, also a member, holds his annual fundraiser there. 

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Last night I purposely plotted a driving route from Bradenton, on the East Coast near Tampa, to Jupiter Island through Arcadia and Okeechobee in order to see what the innards of Florida looked like.  It’s flat and agricultural, as you might imagine, and much of the land must have looked that way for many, many years.   The sudden eruptions of subdivisions look comically out of place along the highways bordered by orange groves and turf farms.

Tomorrow I drive down to Miami to meet a new friend, Rodolfo Milani, another round of golf at his Riviera Golf Club, and an interview with Senatorial candidate Marco Rubio.  I will try to get home on Friday ahead of the blizzard blowing  toward Washington, DC, another 16 or more inches I am told.  

It would be such a pity if all the flights were cancelled and I was stuck down here another couple of days!   (No, I’m not looking for Super Bowl tickets.)



  • Deal W. Hudson

    Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of “Church and Culture,” a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

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