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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

Pre-’55 vs. ’62 vs. ’69: A Holy Week Comparison

The 20th century saw many changes to the Catholic liturgy; none more so than during Holy Week. What changes were made, why were they made, and did they help Catholics enter into Holy Week more deeply?

How to Inspire Catholic Men (Guest: Michael Mason)

The Catholic Church is undergoing a crisis of masculinity. Most parishes are dominated by women, and men are rarely at the forefront of spiritual leadership in a parish. What can be done to reinstate men as spiritual leaders?

Fiducia Supplicans Strikes Again

Fiducia Supplicans exposed deep divisions within the Catholic Church, and now it is reaching its tentacles beyond the Church to scuttle attempts at union with non-Catholic churches.

Why Religious Indifference is Deadly

8 out of every 10 Catholics believe that other religions can lead to eternal life. How does this religious indifference impact the Catholic Church's ability to live out her mission to convert the entire world to Catholicism?

Closing the Border Is a Pro-life Issue

Many Catholics— and most Church leaders— support a more open border policy in the United States. But is that truly the most pro-life position?

Why I Don’t Believe in a 6-Day Creation

A small but growing number of Catholics are embracing "young earth creationism," which believes that the earth is only thousands of years old and was created in six 24-hour days. Why do I not join them?

Are Women Deacons Coming to the Catholic Church?

There's been much talk recently at the highest levels of the Catholic Church about the possibility of women deacons, and one theologian close to Pope Francis says that he's in favor of it. Are women deacons even possible in the Catholic Church?

A Radical “Third Way” of Catholic Discipleship (Guest: Rob Marco)

Are traditional Catholics too insular? Do they focus too much on the liturgy at the expense of evangelization and the works of mercy? Our guest today will challenge us with what he says is a "third way" that encompasses the "both/and" of Catholic discipleship.

Did Newman Say We Could Disobey the Pope?

St. John Henry Newman lived at a time when a Catholic's obligation of obedience to the pope was hotly debated. What he wrote can be challenging today both for those who advocate for total obedience and for those who "recognize and resist" Pope Francis.

Can Catholics Still “Follow the Science?”

The reputation of "Science" is in tatters for many people, leading some to question things that were previously assumed by just about everyone. What is the proper Catholic approach to evaluating the claims of scientists?

Should Catholics Vote in 2024?

Crisis Editor Eric Sammons recently wrote an article arguing that Catholics should consider not voting in the 2024 presidential election. Needless to say, it got a lot of pushback, which we're going to address today on the podcast.

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