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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

Are Catholics Obligated to Receive Vaccines?

Some Catholics argue that vaccines—whether the flu shot or the Covid vaccine or any other vaccine—are morally obligatory to receive. We will dissect the many flaws in this argument in today's podcast.

Sister Wilhelmina: A Modern Traditional Saint (Guest: Sr. Mary Josefa)

In April of this year, the body of Sr. Wilhelmina Lancaster, founder of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, was found to be incorrupt four years after her death. Who was Sr. Wilhelmina and what is God trying to tell us through this miracle? We'll talk to a member of the order she helped found to discover what made this woman so remarkable.

Defending the Papacy In the Age of Francis

Perhaps the greatest apologetical challenge for Catholics today is defending the papacy when its occupant is doing such a poor job. How can Catholics still support the papacy from the attacks of Protestants, Orthodox, and others?

Chasing Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories have always been with us, but lately they are on the rise as many conspiracy theories have become conspiracy facts. How should Catholics approach these theories?

How to Woke-Proof Your Life (Guest: Teresa Mull)

Wokeness surrounds us, from government to Hollywood to corporations to social media, and it impacts us in negative ways big and small. What are practical ways we can escape its grasp in our own lives?

Catholics: Stop Imitating Protestants!

For the past sixty years, Catholics have been imitating Protestants in our liturgy, youth outreach, and other aspects of Catholic life. How has this impacted the Church, and is there a better way forward?

The Fatal Flaw of Sola Scriptura (Guest: Casey Chalk)

"Sola Scriptura" (Scripture Alone) is the foundational doctrine of Protestantism. But the doctrine itself is based on certain false presuppositions, which makes the whole doctrinal house of cards fall apart.

Did Covid Break Gen X Religion?

A recent survey shows the Covid pandemic caused a dramatic decrease in religious belief and practice by Gen Xers. Why did this happen, and can Catholics do anything to reverse the trend?

Is It a Sin to Watch Oppenheimer?

The inclusion of a sex scene with nudity in the movie "Oppenheimer" recently generated huge controversy in the Catholic world. What are the moral implications of watching such scenes and supporting such movies?

Bishops: Are You Shepherds, Hirelings, or Thieves?

Catholic bishops are called to be shepherds of souls. But Our Lord warns against hirelings and thieves watching over the flock instead. What is your bishop—a shepherd, a hireling, or a thief?

Will the Synod Change Doctrine?

Church leaders are insisting the upcoming Synod on Synodality will not change doctrine. That may be true, but it could do something even worse.

Papal Appointments and the Eclipse of the Church

Recent papal appointments have revealed a clear agenda at the Vatican, and it's one that threatens to upend the Church. Eric Sammons & Timothy Flanders discuss what these appointments mean and how Catholics should respond.

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