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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

Bishop Strickland: Cancelled Bishop?

The apostolic visitation of Bishop Joseph Strickland exposes the sham that is "synodality," as it seems the Vatican only wants certain voices to be heard.

Overcoming Today’s Woke Moralists (Guest: Karlo Broussard)

Years ago Pope Benedict warned against the "Dictatorship of Relativism," but it seems today the problem is with woke moralists who appear to be absolutists in their wokeism. But when we look deeper we'll see they are actually the dictatorial relativists Benedict warned us about.

The Rise of Catholic Cancel Culture

Cancel culture dominates our public discussions, and it's growing within Catholicism. What does it mean to "cancel" someone and is it the Christian thing to do?

The Death of Catholic Apologetics?

The art of apologetics—giving a reasoned defense of the faith—has always been part of Catholic evangelization. After hitting a lull in the 1970's and 1980's it revived in the 1990's and beyond. But it seems that today Catholic apologetics is becoming less effective. Why is that?

More Invalid Sacraments!

Following stories of invalid baptisms across the country in previous years, now we hear that some Masses in Kansas City have been invalid. Can Catholics trust the validity of the sacraments they receive?

Overcoming Pride Month

Catholics are starting to fight back against Pride Month, resisting the dominant forces that demand we endorse sin and corrupt our kids. What practical steps can we take this year to overcome the deadliest of months?

Sister Wilhelmina: An American Incorruptible

The body of an American religious foundress was found to be miraculously incorrupt, four years after her death. What does this mean, and what might God be telling us through this? We'll talk with someone who knows the community and recently visited Sister Wilhelmina's body.

Were You Brainwashed?

Starting three years ago the world was bombarded with one of the greatest brainwashing campaigns in human history. Did you fall for it? Did your family or friends? What can we do to make sure no one falls for it in the future?

Taylor Marshall for President? (Guest: Taylor Marshall)

Popular Catholic author and "Dad with a Webcam" Taylor Marshall announced last week that he's running for President of the United States. We'll talk to him about his candidacy and what he hopes to accomplish.

Which Is Greater: The Pope or Tradition?

Pope Francis has made a habit of denigrating those who look to the past for answers. But isn't tradition an important part of Catholicism? We'll look at the proper relationship between the pope and tradition.

The Eucharist Can Save the World

A new book makes the provocative case that the Eucharist can save our civilization. We'll find out how that can happen on today's podcast.

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