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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

The Attack on Adoration

Leftist Catholics such as Cardinal Cupich have shown an increasing disdain for Eucharistic adoration. What is the origin of their contempt, and what is the proper Catholic understanding of adoration?

30 Years a Catholic: Would I Do It Again?

30 years ago I was received into the Catholic Church. Based on what I've seen over that time, would I still become Catholic today? I'll take an honest look at the state of the Church today.

The Future of Donald Trump…and America

As always, Donald Trump is in the news—this time for being indicted. What does the future look like for the former President, and how should Catholics view both his campaign for President and the campaign to destroy him?

Catholics and the Jews

The relationship between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people has always been fraught with tension. However today Church leaders tell us that we should look with esteem on Judaism and even that we should not evangelize the Jews. What is the proper Catholic view of Judaism?

Is the Banking System Collapsing?

The recent collapse of multiple banks has led to worries about another financial collapse, perhaps even worse than 2008. We’ll look at what happened, what it means, and where we go from here.

The Plight of Ukraine (Guest: Fr. Jason Charron)

Ukraine is of course in the news now, but most people know little of its history that led to its current conflict with Russia. We're going to speak to a Ukrainian Catholic priest about both the history of Ukraine and the situation today.

Ten Tragic Years: The Francis Pontificate

As Pope Francis reaches 10 years in office, we reflect on his confusing, ideological, and scandalous papacy. How are Catholics to live under a bad pope?

The Growing Divide Among Catholic Bishops

The recent debate between Cardinal Robert McElroy and Bishop Thomas Paprocki brought into the open the growing divide among Catholics bishops. Can there be unity when bishops are following essentially different religions?

Theistic Evolution vs. Creationism: A Catholic Debate

Two Catholics - Dr. Douglas Darnowski (Professor of Molecular Biology) and Dr. Kevin Mark (Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation) - debate whether theistic evolution or creationism is most compatible with Catholic teaching.

The Abrahamic Family House Abomination

The Abrahamic Family House—a shared space housing a mosque, a synagogue, and a church—recently opened, and it's another sign that interreligious dialogue has transformed into religious indifference. Find out why efforts like these are contrary to the Catholic duty to evangelize.

Make Lent the Great Fast Again

Lent used to be a truly penitential time of the year for Catholics, but now we just talk about giving up chocolate or "fasting from judging." How can Catholics reclaim Lent and make it truly a time to prepare for Easter?

The Status of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) (Guest: James Vogel)

The Society of St. Pius X is perhaps the most controversial Catholic organization today. They have been accused of being schismatic and rejecting Vatican II. We'll talk to someone from the Society about their organization and the controversies that surround it.

The Catholic Case for Guns (Guest: Rick Barrett)

Gun control is a perennially controversial topic in America, and many—if not most—Catholic bishops favor stricter gun control laws. But what is the Catholic position when it comes to guns?

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