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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

The Status of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) (Guest: James Vogel)

The Society of St. Pius X is perhaps the most controversial Catholic organization today. They have been accused of being schismatic and rejecting Vatican II. We'll talk to someone from the Society about their organization and the controversies that surround it.

The Catholic Case for Guns (Guest: Rick Barrett)

Gun control is a perennially controversial topic in America, and many—if not most—Catholic bishops favor stricter gun control laws. But what is the Catholic position when it comes to guns?

The Incredible Shrinking Catholic Church

The Catholic Church in the U.S. has been in constant decline for 50 years, but that downward trend experienced three significant accelerations during that time. Find out what they are and what Catholics can do to reverse the downward spiral.

Spiritual Warfare (Guest: Dan Burke)

When we think of Satan and demonic forces we often think of spectacular events like demonic possessions or exorcisms. Yet how do demons quietly influence and impact us in our own spiritual lives?

Opposing Big Gay

One of the most powerful forces in today's world—and today's Church—is "Big Gay," the LGBTQ+ advocacy conglomerate. How do Catholics oppose it in today's cancel culture?

The Controversial Opus Dei

Perhaps no other organization within the Catholic Church has generated more controversy over the years than Opus Dei. We'll look at the foundations and purpose of this group and explore why it's so controversial.

Another Bishop Restricts Ad Orientem

Another diocese has announced restrictions on the celebration of the Mass “ad orientem.” Why are bishops afraid of this ancient practice spreading in today’s Church?

The Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger

With the death of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), we look at his substantial legacy as theologian, priest, cardinal archbishop, head of the CDF, pope, and pope emeritus.

Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves

Faithful Catholics know the Church is in crisis, and we know the hierarchy is often corrupt and even evil. So how do we navigate this storm effectively without losing our souls?

The Vatican vs. Frank Pavone

It was recently announced that the Vatican dismissed Frank Pavone, the founder of Priests for Life and long-time pro-life leader, from the priesthood. How should Catholics respond to this news?

From Neocon to Antiwar

The neocon narrative is crumbling, as more and more conservatives have rejected its empire-building foreign interventionism. What caused the growing rejection of neocon foreign policy, and why should Catholics also oppose the neocon narrative?

Dare We Hope That Twitter Be Saved?

With the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, many Catholics hoped the days of woke censorship were over. While things have gotten better, there's still a strong bias against Catholics on the platform.

How Many Roman Rites? (Guest: Peter Kwasniewski)

A recent series of articles by three respected Catholic scholars argued for the superiority of the new rite of the Mass over the old. We'll talk to a liturgical expert about the two rites, their relationship, their development, and how they compare.

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