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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

What Makes a Mass “Reverent”?

One of the fundamental debates in today’s “liturgy wars” is the idea of reverence. What makes a Mass reverent? Is it the language, the orientation, the music, or something else?

Catholics Are Called to be Militant

A recent article in The Atlantic attacked those who call the Rosary a weapon, but even many Catholics today are uncomfortable with language they find too militaristic. What does it mean to be the Church Militant?

Don’t Fall Out of the Church

The crisis in the Church over the past few decades has caused many to lose faith and leave. That trend is accelerating under Pope Francis and includes some who were vocally Catholic in the past. What can we do to prevent our own fall out of the Church?

The State of Catholicism in England (Guest: Gavin Ashenden)

Catholicism has a rich and turbulent history in England. From the arrival of St. Augustine of Canterbury to the great Medieval English giants to the break with Rome by Henry VIII, Catholicism has played an important role in England’s history. Today on Crisis Point we’ll take a look at the current state of Catholicism in England with a special guest.

Is Amoris Laetitia Orthodox? (Guest: Dr. Eduardo Echeverria)

Since its publication six years ago, the papal encyclical Amoris Laetitia has been a source of controversy. The most disputed chapter is the infamous Chapter 8 which talks of “accompanying, discerning and integrating weakness.” Is this chapter consistent with Catholic teaching, or does is stray from orthodoxy?

What is Religion and Why Does it Matter? (Guest: R. Jared Staudt)

Today we have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of religion in our lives. Most secular people want to push religion out of the public square, and often even religious people think it is just a private affair. But a proper understanding of religion transforms how we worship, how we serve others, and how we do theology.

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