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Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "The Crisis Point."

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Crisis Point Podcast

Recent Episodes

Catholics, Voting, and Election Day 2022

Today is Election Day in the United States, so let’s talk about Catholics, voting, and the current electoral situation: Do Catholics have to vote? If so, who should we vote for this year?

Holiness Isn’t What You Think It Is (Guest: Scott Hahn)

The Christian life could be summed up in a nutshell as the pursuit of holiness. Holiness is also the framework of the Sacred Scriptures? But what is holiness? We’ll ask Scott Hahn to break down what the Bible and Catholic tradition say about holiness.

The Past, Present, and Future of Crisis Magazine

This month Crisis Magazine celebrates its 40th anniversary, and in honor of that we’ll look back at the last 40 years as well as look to the future: how should Catholics live in the midst of today’s deep crisis in both the Church and the world?

The Continuing Legacy of G.K. Chesterton (Guest: Dale Ahlquist)

G.K. Chesterton is one of the great Catholic literary figures of the early 20th century. His legacy continues to this day, particularly in the field of education. Chesterton expert Dale Ahlquist joins Crisis Point to talk about how Chesterton still has an impact today, particularly in the “Chesterton Schools.”

The Scandalous Vatican

Every week it seems a new scandal comes out of the Vatican, from financial mismanagement to controversial appointments to officials promoting heresy. What is a Catholic to do in the face of such corruption at the highest levels of the Church?

The Aging Vatican II

On the 60th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II, we’ll look at its impact on the Church as well as its future.

What Does It Mean to Resist the Pope? (Guest: Timothy Flanders)

During the pontificate of Francis there have been increasing calls to “resist” him, including a recent press conference announcing a “formal declaration of resistance to Pope Francis.” Can Catholics resist the pope, and if so, how do they do that without becoming Protestants?

When the FBI Comes Knocking…

The FBI swatting and arrest of a Catholic pro-life leader sent a clear message to the pro-life community: the government wants us to be silent. How will we respond?

The Queen is Dead. Long Live the King?

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession of King Charles III, Catholics are once again asking: Is there any value to a monarchy that is built upon anti-Catholic foundations?

The End of Democracy?

President Biden and the Left are warning that democracy is under attack from Trump and the MAGA Republicans. But is the threat actually from the Left, and more importantly, is democracy worth defending?

Fighting Abortion in a Post-Dobbs America (Guest: Prudence Robertson)

With the fall of Roe, the fight against abortion has taken new directions. What is the state of the pro-life movement today, and what needs to be done to make abortion illegal and unthinkable in all 50 states? We'll ask the host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly these important questions.

Biblical “Scholarship” Becomes Cultural Propaganda

Outreach, “an LGBTQ Catholic Resource” created by the Jesuit-run America Magazine, recently ran an article by a Protestant Biblical scholar claiming that we should read the Bible to be—surprise!—more inclusive and welcoming of LGBTQ people. We’ll take apart the article on today’s Crisis Point.

Ecumenism: The God That Failed

In the 1960's, the Catholic Church enthusiastically embraced the ecumenical movement after decades of being cold to it. Sixty years later, has this embrace helped or hindered the mission of the Church?

In Defense of Monarchy (Guest: Charles Coulombe)

In today’s world, especially in the West, monarchy is looked upon as, at best, a quaint relic of the past, or, at worst, a fundamentally repressive institution. But Catholicism has a deep relationship with monarchy and some Catholics argue it is the best form of government possible. Should Catholics be monarchists?

What Makes a Mass “Reverent”?

One of the fundamental debates in today’s “liturgy wars” is the idea of reverence. What makes a Mass reverent? Is it the language, the orientation, the music, or something else?

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