Abby Johnson

Pro-Lifers Must Tell Their Stories

Since Dobbs, liberal corporate legacy media is running as many stories as possible on the indignities suffered by women across the United States who have had difficulty procuring an abortion. Pro-lifers need to respond.

Unplanned—A Pro-Life Film That Doesn’t “Play It Safe”

“Beam me up Scotty.” These are an abortionist’s words directing a nurse to turn on the suction machine, words Abby Johnson heard when she was unexpectedly summoned to the procedure room of the Bryan, Texas, Planned Parenthood clinic, of which she was the manager, to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion. She was stunned to observe … Read more

Former Planned Parenthood director to become Catholic

Former Planned Parenthood director and new author Abby Johnson (see the banner ad for Unplanned to the right) is in the process of entering the Catholic Church. “When we went to the Catholic Church for the first time we knew that was where we were supposed to be and we have been there ever since,” … Read more

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