Catholicism in Uganda
Catholicism is everywhere in Uganda, but the Church faces challenges there as elsewhere.
Homosexuality and the Church in Africa (Guest: Dr. Janet Smith)
There’s been strong resistance in the African Church to the growing acceptance of homosexuality in the worldwide Catholic Church. We’ll talk today with someone who went to Africa to discuss this important issue with Church officials there.
Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part III
Is homosexuality creeping into Africa through the Western push for recognition of the “rights” of homosexuals?
Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part II
In Uganda, although there is a healthy understanding of the wrongness of homosexual acts, there is little understanding of its causes and the proper Christian response to homosexuals.
Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part I
A first-hand report on how the issue of homosexuality is handled by Catholics in the country of Uganda.
Does Pope Francis Have a Double Standard for Africa?
Pope Francis condemns Europeans for not taking in more African Muslim immigrants, but says little about the plight of persecuted African Christians at the hands of Muslims.
Unity, Charismatic Masses, and Africa
Part Four of a response to Cavadini, Healy, and Weinandy’s critique of the traditional Latin Mass.
The Economy of Communion in Africa
Africa is a continent of great spiritual and cultural wealth, but also of great material poverty. The way forward for African economies is not aid and development assistance, but prudent business management that enables African workers to attain higher levels of productivity for their efforts. But what model of business management is appropriate for the … Read more
Peace Through Vigilance
With breaking news of a U.S. Navy SEAL team successfully rescuing two hostages from pirates in Somalia, military pundits are quick to note how the deployment of small, elite units will fit in with President Barack Obama’s vision for modernizing the U.S. military. Yet, while small, elite units are indeed crucial to the modern military, … Read more
Africa Needs Population Growth, Not Birth Control
The United Nations recently published its two-yearly update of world population projections. These suggest that Nigeria could rise to 725 million people by 2100. Western media are shrilly calling for Nigeria to put a check on her population growth. No way, sorry. We Nigerians are rejoicing. Africans love children. First for financial security. In the past … Read more
The lepers of China
I knew that leprosy still existed in parts of Africa and India, but had no idea there were so many people living with it in China. According to Brian Palmer of Slate, the government no longer forces people with leprosy into isolation, but many small colonies remain: China has pledged to improve living conditions for … Read more
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Africa
Tolu Ogunlesi at 3 Quarks Daily wrote a fascinating piece yesterday called, “Five Things You Didn’t Know About Africa.” It’s short… and worth a read. Here’s a snippet: Ever heard of the Rift Valley? It’s the place in East Africa where scientists tell us humans first learned to walk on two feet, and from where … Read more
Mom the Missionary
During my pregnancy with my first child, I belonged to an interdenominational Bible study that was filled mostly with medical students who planned on doing mission work. Waddling in to the room, I remember feeling like a spiritual slacker surrounded by all these selfless MDs-to-be, discussing their plans to spread the Good News while offering … Read more
The Mystery of the Ivory Bangle Lady
In 1901, archaeologists outside of York, England, discovered a series of graves dating from 4th century Roman Britain. One skeleton of a wealthy young woman of 18 or 19 was particularly intriguing: She was buried with several expensive items of jewelry, including an unusual pair of intertwined bracelets — one made from white African ivory, … Read more
1942: No Longer on the Defensive
In the second week of October 1942, Stalingrad was still standing, if cruelly battered after 80 days of siege and starvation. Ottawa announced that U-boats had torpedoed eleven vessels in the St. Lawrence Seaway. The Polish newspaper Nowy Swiat noted that the Germans had forbidden priests to wear crucifixes, since such was “not in harmony … Read more
Remembering the little ones at Christmas
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Divine Child, we face some sobering numbers: There are an estimated 145 million orphans worldwide — more than enough little ones to go three times around the planet at the equator. A few years ago, the United Nations put the number of child victims of trafficking … Read more
The Pope of Unity
Sunday, April 19, 2009, marks the fourth anniversary of the election of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI. Although he is now 82, a career theologian, and a former professor, Benedict’s pontificate has been anything but dull. His decisions have brought joy to conservatives and consternation to liberals. He has inspired young people and the … Read more
If Only He Were Pro-Life…
Every election cycle, partisans distort the positions of those they oppose. I particularly recall one pro-lifer, a Mitt Romney supporter, who titled Sen. John McCain — he of the 0 percent NARAL rating — “the ultimate betrayer.” And I’ve heard many people, Catholic and Protestant, seriously suggest that Sen. Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, which … Read more