Anglican Communion

Fidelity in Kigali?

The fourth Global Anglican Futures Conference adopted the “Kigali Commitment,” which was essentially an Anglican declaration of independence from the primacy of Canterbury.

A Bridge Across the Tiber

There was a T-shirt on the market last year for converts to the Catholic faith. Emblazoned on the front were the words, “Member of the Tiber Swimmers Club.” After today’s amazing announcement from the Vatican, Anglicans no longer need to change into their swimming trunks. Trembling toes no longer need to be dipped in the … Read more

Quo Vadis Canterbury?

St. Peter, as the legend goes, was fleeing the persecution in Rome when he met Christ going the other way. The Lord asked him, “Quo Vadis?” — where are you going? He might well be asking the members of the Anglican Communion the same question. Their reply would be, “We’re not quite sure, Lord, but … Read more

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