Catholic Living

Take and Study

Far from being a Protestant activity, the study of the Bible is for Catholics as well. Fortunately there are tools to help us in this undertaking.

Keeping a Long Christmas

“Holiday creep,” which begins earlier every year is not motivated solely by a desire for profits. The unconscious sense that things are dreadfully awry provokes an equally unconscious desire to escape into the land of nostalgia.

What Children Do

Christ’s admonition to become like little children is not an invitation for the adults in the room to set about infantilizing themselves, but to open their eyes as the children do.

Natives From Nowhere

The Church’s task is not to simply make herself manifest in human cultures. That would be to subordinate the Church to local ways. The task is far more challenging than that: to baptize the cultures.

Catholicism’s Ghost

Today’s “new spirituality,” often found within the Church, is an ugly caricature of the millennial truths of union with God set forth by the Church, her saints, and her Doctors.

Does God Hope?

If prayer is the language of hope, the very ground and grammar of holy desire, and if the Our Father represents the greatest possible expression of that hope, why would Christ need to give voice to it himself?

healing of lepers

Give Thanks

Incapable as we are of paying our debts to God according to justice, we should at least try to supply for them by our gratitude.

Keep AI out of the Choir Loft

AI’s role in the choir loft should never replace the real men and women who sing “unto the Lord a new song” and tell “of his salvation from day to day.”

Deus Vult: Part of Our Christian Heritage

The reaction to the Deus Vult tattoo is part of an insidious attempt to portray legitimate goods, and even integral elements of our Faith, as unacceptable for polite company or participation in public life.

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