Catholic Living

Why Do (Mass-going) Catholics Resent God?

Many congregants arrive late, are dressed inappropriately, do not sing the hymns, become lifeless during the homily, receive Holy Communion indifferently, and then scramble to the exits at the first opportunity.

Ditch Deepfake Parenting

The dangers of modern technology demands that parents engage in real, rather than deepfake, parenting.

Is Christ a Magician?

Why is Our Savior so frightful about those seeking “signs and wonders”’? For these are the demands of those men who seek the compensations of this world rather than the rewards of the next.

A Wicked Generation Seeks Signs

Millions of Americans have witnessed some amazing celestial events recently, including a total solar eclipse and the aurora borealis. Are these signs from God, perhaps of the End Times?

What’s Missing in the Eucharistic Revival

Without a sincere note of repentance for not only our sins but the sins of previous generations of Catholics, we stand very little chance of experiencing the genuine renewal our nation so desperately needs.

The #1 Vocation Killer

The reason we still have a vocations crisis isn’t poor catechesis or smaller families. It’s something more insidious.

Heaven Is Only in Heaven

Secularism tries to turn this world into a atheistic heaven. Our only defense against this lie is the Ascended Christ.

O Happy Fault, O Happy Departure

The Ascension is sometimes just an Easter afterthought. But the full extent of our salvation isn’t revealed until this feast, when the Paschal Mystery is complete.

The Guerrilla Warfare of Journaling

It takes a conscious effort to keep yourself from falling into the fifth-generation war machine that is meant to influence thoughts and behavior. That effort is daily journaling.

How to Truly “Be Different”

What is now truly different is the old way of doing things; rebellion has become a rather drab and uniform affair of everyone being “different” in essentially the same rainbow way.

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