Following the Bad Council of the Media

Speaking to the clergy of Rome in one of his last speeches as pope, Benedict XVI acknowledged the ruinous influence that the media has exercised over the Church for decades.  He referred to the spurious spirit of Vatican II as the “council of the media.” What he didn’t mention was that plenty of clergy enthusiastically … Read more

Press Coverage on the Eve of the Conclave

So the date is set.  Tuesday, the 12th of March, the Cardinals will process into the conclave intoning Veni Sancte Spiritus, while the rest of us—personally or digitally—will get the “extra omnes.” Out we go, leaving it up to the Princes of the Church to perform their duty.  Buoyed by our prayers and best wishes, … Read more

Let’s Kill Cain’s Campaign

  From the breaking news, one might think that with a woman who claims she had a 13-year affair with presidential candidate Herman Cain, someone is being seriously exposed as a hypocrite. That would be the press. The media can’t deny they continue to display a lousy double standard. For Republican candidates, scandalous news is … Read more

Study Linking Autism and Vaccines an “Elaborate Fraud”

Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s medical license has been revoked after it was revealed that he had falsified all twelve of the medical histories in his 1998 study. CNN reports: “It’s one thing to have a bad study, a study full of error, and for the authors then to admit that they made errors,” Fiona Godlee, BMJ’s … Read more

Online abortion vote a stunt, couple admits

The Minnesota couple asking people to vote about whether they should abort their child has said they never intended to have an abortion at all. Frankly, I was waiting for this. According to a CNN article, husband Peter Arnold said he wanted “to stimulate conversation about the politically charged subject”: Arnold told CNN he bought … Read more

Quality News, Wherefore Art Thou?

Woman Sues Disney, claims she was groped, molested by Donald DuckMissing chef’s body found stuffed in a freezerPolice: Man suspected in semen attacks Shock as GOOGLE Spy Cams capture girl’s ‘body’ lying on pavement These are four of the headlines on The Drudge Report today. There will be more like them tomorrow… and the next … Read more

Tools for the new cool: hoes and tractors

News to warm my heart: Apparently, the hip, new thing is farming. CNN ran a short piece about educated young people who are turning in their Wall Street jobs and Ivy League credentials for the agrarian life.    Roy Skeen, a 28-year old Yale graduate from Baltimore is one such example. A history major who also worked in finance, … Read more

The slow slide of CNN

Michael Hirschorn at New York Magazine says that CNN has become the sick man of broadcast journalism. Things have certainly changed since the early days of cable.  The rise: It’s easy to forget that CNN was once revolutionary. Founded in 1980, back when the idea of watching a channel other than ABC, NBC, or CBS … Read more

Harry Reid’s phony “Tea Party” candidate?

According to CNN, some Nevada Republicans are accusing Senate Majority leader Harry Reid of campaign trickery in his effort to retain his seat. They claim he has entered his own dummy “Tea Party” candidate into the race, hoping to pull votes away from the eventual GOP nominee. “No doubt about it,” says Danny Tarkanian, one … Read more


Infanticide is becoming a touchy subject for Barack Obama. So much so that his supporters either deny that their candidate ever voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, or they describe his votes as “procedural,” as if Obama never really opposed providing medical treatment for infants who survived an abortion. The facts show otherwise. … Read more

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