Woman Sues Disney, claims she was groped, molested by Donald Duck
Missing chef’s body found stuffed in a freezer
Police: Man suspected in semen attacks
Shock as GOOGLE Spy Cams capture girl’s ‘body’ lying on pavement
These are four of the headlines on The Drudge Report today. There will be more like them tomorrow… and the next day… holding equal placement with serious national and international stories.
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Finding quality news takes a lot of effort these days, sorting through Web sites and scanning headlines. The line between commentary/opinion and news reporting is blurred. Most people think CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, and the like, are bringing them news. But they’re not, of course. It’s mostly commentary; there’s very little journalism going on.
With so much competition for ratings and page views — and everything moving quickly 24-7 — the quality and depth of news coverage suffers. Sensationalism sells and people like Matt Drudge and Michael Wolfe (of Newser) know it.
The current state of things is not all bad, however. The Internet allows us to find information from a myriad of sources, and international news has never been easier to access. This, of course, requires knowing what to look for and discerning good sources from bad.
Where do you get your news? Do you still read newspapers? If so, online or in print? Do you watch cable news? Do you catch any foreign networks?
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