Hobby Lobby and Employment Discrimination

Editor’s note: The following statement was issued by the USCCB and published on its blog July 17, 2014. In the image above, President Obama signs executive orders July 21, 2014 meant to protect homosexual employees from federal workplace discrimination. (Photo Credit: JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images) The Washington Post reported July 8 that the American Civil Liberties … Read more

Promoting Gender Confusion in the Young

November is a month for counting our blessings. When I want to appreciate how fortunate I have been in my life, I sometimes play a little game. I go to a mainstream media site such as the Huffington Post, and imagine what my life might have been like if I had been raised by people … Read more

Quotas for Transsexuals: What ENDA Portends

A man dressed as a woman entered a women’s locker-room at a college in Washington State. This locker-room at Evergreen State College is used not just by co-eds but also by little girls who use the college for programs. In a subsequent police report the transvestite was accused of “sitting with her legs open with … Read more

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