Secularization of Exorcisms and the Catholic Position
Exorcisms are powerful sacramentals that can liberate people, objects, and places from the power of evil.
Exorcisms are powerful sacramentals that can liberate people, objects, and places from the power of evil.
A new movie starring Russell Crowe tells the story of the late Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the pope’s exorcist. But what is the real story behind this incredible priest and exorcist?
Press reports last summer suggested that the French have rediscovered the devil. Across the Channel there appeared to be at large a variety of “do-it-yourself exorcisms” taking place, alongside a growing band of free market—and unofficial—exorcists who, according to The Times, were advertising their services to the French public at a price, for example, to … Read more
In 1886, Pope Leo XIII added the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel to the prayers he had already ordered to be said after the Low Mass in 1884. The origin of the prayer is subject to much speculation, particularly about whether or not Leo received a locution with the voices of Jesus and the … Read more