herman cain

Let’s Kill Cain’s Campaign

  From the breaking news, one might think that with a woman who claims she had a 13-year affair with presidential candidate Herman Cain, someone is being seriously exposed as a hypocrite. That would be the press. The media can’t deny they continue to display a lousy double standard. For Republican candidates, scandalous news is … Read more

NPR Versus ‘Minstrel’ Cain

National Public Radio proved a long time ago it disdains black conservatives. Remember when NPR’s Nina Totenberg launched the unproven sexual harassment charges against Clarence Thomas? NPR doesn’t even like black liberals who appear on Fox News: They canned Juan Williams. The sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain aren’t ruining him as quickly as the … Read more

The Real Scandal

  The real scandal in the accusations against Herman Cain is the corruption of the law, the media and politics. Let’s start with the law. Some people may think the fact that the National Restaurant Association reportedly paid $45,000 to settle a claim made by one of its employees against Mr. Cain is incriminating. Most … Read more

Can Cain Keep Flouting the Cardinal Rules of Politics?

  Herman Cain, beleaguered by charges of sexual harassment, was all over Washington last week — an odd choice of venue, considering that the Iowa precinct caucuses are now just 58 days away and the New Hampshire primary 65. But as I learned when I sat next to Cain Friday morning during a long-scheduled taping … Read more

Cain and the Liberals

  Republicans by the boxcar load adore him. You know what that means if you’re a certain kind of Democrat, and the “him” in question is Herman Cain. It means Cain lovers — even or perhaps especially, folks in Dixie, who might have lynched him 80 or 90 years ago for his uppity ways — … Read more

Romney Buoyed by Good Luck — and Hard Experience

Napoleon is supposed to have said that the quality he most valued in his generals was luck. In the current race for the Republican presidential nomination, Napoleon’s favorite would clearly be Mitt Romney. One lucky break after another has helped Romney maintain front-runner status or something close to it in polls of Republican primary voters … Read more

A Colorblind America

Could anyone have imagined even a few years ago that the 2012 U.S. presidential race might end up as a contest between two black candidates? I certainly couldn’t have. Yet, with Republican candidate Herman Cain’s recent surge in popularity, the possibility is there. This says a great deal about race in America — all of … Read more

Is Herman Cain a Contender?

Is Herman Cain a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination? It’s a question no one in the pundit world was asking until the past week. Cain has never held public office. When he ran for the Senate in Georgia in 2004, he lost the primary by a 52 percent to 26 percent margin. He … Read more

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