Mere Christianity

Christian, Muslim, or Secular Neighbors—Does It Matter?

During the Second World War, C.S. Lewis gave a series of radio talks that were to become the bestseller known as Mere Christianity. In his introduction, Lewis says his purpose is to “explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times.” Lewis skirts issues that have divided Protestants … Read more

The Gospel According to Lewis?

C. S. Lewis is big business these days, but is the new “Lewis Bible” taking things a bit too far? The Lewis Bible, available in cloth (18,000 copies sold since its November debut) or leather (6,000), shares a recycling genre with “A Year with C. S. Lewis,” a collection of 365 Lewis readings, which since … Read more

Friday Free-for-All: August 6

A few links to get the day started: Today is the 65th anniversary of the A-bomb drop on Hiroshima, and for the first time, America has sent an envoy to be part of the memorial services in Japan. Ambassador John Roos is attending to help advance the cause of nuclear disarmament: “For the sake of … Read more

How to Talk to an Atheist about Christianity

Once upon a time, not so long ago, atheism was the belief system that dared not speak its name. Even the most ardent skeptic paid lip service to faith, or at least to the blessings that mankind derived from it. But that’s not the case anymore. Atheism is a strong and growing influence in our … Read more

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