Oxford University

On Praising Famous Men

With sonorous tones on the annual Founder’s Day in my school, the Reverend Sub-Dean clad in his academicals would slowly recite the long list of those who had contributed of their substance over the years. The Very Reverend Dean kept sober vigil from his stall. The roster was long because the annals were long, and the … Read more

Biased against breastfeeding

Tom Jacobs at Miller-McCune writes about a study out of Oxford University that shows that, while breast-fed babies fare better at school, the number of American women who choose to breastfeed is “stagnant and low.” The reason? Apparently, breastfeeding women are judged more harshly: Research just published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin … Read more

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be ethicists

Two “kill all the dumb people” posts in one week? What are the odds? Human embryos should be screened for their potential intelligence and only the smartest allowed to live, an Oxford University ethicist has argued. In shocking remarks, Prof Julian Savulescu says embryos that do not pass the intelligence test should be destroyed for … Read more

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