Simone Weil

We Are All Karens Now

Karens are everywhere, notes a June 30 article in the Washington Post, and they are the most addictive thing to watch in America’s disastrous summer of 2020. For the uninitiated, a “Karen” is a pejorative term for a white woman who is “perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered … Read more

How Modernity Undermines Our Need for Rootedness

My wife and I recently decided that we needed to move out of our house. The most pressing reason was that, unfortunately, we discovered mold in the girls’ room. For the sake of our health, we quickly came to the conclusion that the only choice for us was to find a new house. The reality … Read more

Simone Weil’s Reflections on the Cross

At the European Court of Human Rights two British women are trying to establish their right to wear crosses in public. We have been used to hearing about battles in courts throughout the world concerning the public display of crucifixes (or the Ten Commandments), as well as the wearing of religious symbols in general. The … Read more

Digital Spirituality and the Pilgrim

Sometimes I’m sad for my children, who know only the digitalized world. Some of the greatest joys of my life are lost to them. When they fall in love with a writer, a composer, a director, or an actor, they will never have to go on a quest to find that missing book, recording, or … Read more

“Love Bade Me Welcome” a poem by George Herbert was set to music by Ralph Vaughn Williams as part of his “Five Mystical Songs” (1906-11).  Both the poem and the song have the power to convert.  The poem had a profound effect on the Jewish philosopher/mystic Simone Weil.  The song has, more times than I can recall, … Read more

On Easter We Can Sing A Song About Love

“Love Bade Me Welcome” a poem by George Herbert was set to music by Ralph Vaughn Williams as part of his “Five Mystical Songs” (1906-11).  Both the poem and the song have the power to convert.  The poem had a profound effect on the Jewish philosopher/mystic Simone Weil.  The song has, more times than I can recall, … Read more

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