Why the Attempt to Ban the Latin Mass Is Failing
The inability to shut down the traditional Latin Mass reflects the different between power and authority in the papacy.
The inability to shut down the traditional Latin Mass reflects the different between power and authority in the papacy.
A complete prohibition preventing diocesan priests from celebrating the TLM would be inimical to the role of the Church as a careful custodian of the living form of tradition.
The third and final episode in the “Mass of the Ages” documentary trilogy traces the renewed interest in—and renewed attacks against—the traditional Latin Mass.
Our family endured many hardships to attend the traditional Latin Mass. Now it’s being taken away from us.
The cancellation of the decades-long biannual celebration of traditional Latin Mass at Westminster Cathedral appears to be another attempt to marginalize traditional Catholics.
Pushing the TLM out of parishes and into gyms is symbolic of what those in charge in the Church wish to do with the Catholic Faith and its adherents—push it out to the margins.
If a liturgical rite can be blamed for the bad theology of some of its attendees, then all rites should be examined to ensure we remove any and all offending liturgies.