What the Heck is a ‘Groyper’?

Editor’s note: The “Groypers” are followers of the youthful controversialist Nicholas Fuentes, host of a popular YouTube show many have accused of endorsing Holocaust denial and other troubling beliefs. The Groypers have positioned themselves against Turning Point, USA, and its leader, Charlie Kirk, the most powerful of the under-30 activists who rose to prominence during the … Read more

“That tingling means it’s working!”

I had to run out to the Walmart to buy ketchup, and was arrested by a strange new product on the shelves:   It’s called Wrecking Balm– “a unique, devastatingly effective tattoo fade-removal system.”  I don’t even want to know how it works, but a stroll down Main Street, Anytown, USA will show you why … Read more

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