Dads are now as stressed as moms

Men are still the major breadwinners in most families, but over the past few decades they’ve been expected to pull more weight at home. Wives now ask husbands to help around the house, share in child-care, and take leadership in areas other than career and finances.  Men are finding this very stressful, according to an … Read more

To Be Adopted and To Adopt

When I was a young man, I always assumed parents loved their adopted children less, or at least differently, than those who genetically shared their flesh and blood. When I thought of myself as a father, it never occurred to me that I might one day love my adopted son as much as my biological … Read more

catholic with a small “c”

Goodness, BILL RUSSELL.  I wasn’t even trying to upset anyone this time.  In response to the music video of the Black Keys that I posted yesterday, you wrote: [I]t is beyond me to explain how a Catholic can consider loud and inarticulate rock percussionism to be music. I know there will be a laborious apologia, … Read more

Strange days have found us.

Via The Anchoress : Pounding his piano in blue-tinted sunglasses before nearly 50,000 screaming fans, Elton John took center stage in a battle over Israel’s image. The legendary British rocker’s concert on Thursday night followed a string of cancellations by artists like Elvis Costello and the Pixies. Resisting a growing wave of calls from pro-Palestinian … Read more

Yes, I know there is a novel by Turgenev by the same title, but I’ve never read it, so I feel free to use the title. Do I speak for most sons when I say I will spend my whole life trying to understand my father?  My father, Jack W. Hudson, it seemed, was tougher … Read more

Yes, I know there is a novel by Turgenev by the same title, but I’ve never read it, so I feel free to use the title. Do I speak for most sons when I say I will spend my whole life trying to understand my father?  My father, Jack W. Hudson, it seemed, was tougher … Read more

Fathers and Sons

Yes, I know there is a novel by Turgenev by the same title, but I’ve never read it, so I feel free to use the title. Do I speak for most sons when I say I will spend my whole life trying to understand my father?  My father, Jack W. Hudson, it seemed, was tougher … Read more

Back to the Roots: The Founders and the Separation of Church and State

The cry, “That violates the separation of church and state!” has been the centerpiece of the secularist drive to marginalize Christianity in the public sphere since the 1940s. The real — and often neglected — question is what precisely that separation means and how it should be interpreted and applied. The secularists’ interpretation of the … Read more

The Toys Are Back!

After months of fevered anticipation, Pixar’s latest animated adventure — Toy Story 3 — has finally arrived. And if early reviews are any indication, it’s a worthy finale to one of the most enjoyable cinematic trilogies in recent memory. Over at RottenTomatoes, the T-Meter Critics are checking in at a whopping 130-for-130 in the Fresh ranking. … Read more

Should Muslim women renounce or redefine their faith?

I posted a while back about Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her new book, Nomad: From Islam to America. On the Ms. Magazine Blog this past Monday, Rafia Zakaria focuses on an interesting new development in Ali’s views of Islam and women.  Ali, as you may recall, is Somali-born and a former Dutch parliamentarian who became … Read more

Mom the Missionary

During my pregnancy with my first child, I belonged to an interdenominational Bible study that was filled mostly with medical students who planned on doing mission work. Waddling in to the room, I remember feeling like a spiritual slacker surrounded by all these selfless MDs-to-be, discussing their plans to spread the Good News while offering … Read more

A Better Weigh

I’ve written about the problem of obesity in the past. It’s an epidemic in North America now as we all know, and with one look around, it’s not hard to see why. But let’s say you want to lose weight — what do you do? There are so many diets out there, it’s really tough … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Time for your Friday links: Ronnie Lee Gardner was put to death in Utah this morning by firing squad (the first such execution in 14 years). Many people protested what they saw as a barbaric holdover from the past, but are firing squads actually a better means of of execution than lethal injection? Best lede … Read more

More than a few eyebrows were raised when the new president of The Catholic University of America was named: John H. Garvey, Dean of the Boston College School of Law.  Most people know Boston College, in recent years, has become the epicenter of Catholic dissent.  And although Garvey is was not a name familiar to … Read more

Questions Raised About New President of CUA

More than a few eyebrows were raised when the new president of The Catholic University of America was named: John H. Garvey, Dean of the Boston College School of Law.  Most people know Boston College, in recent years, has become the epicenter of Catholic dissent.  And although Garvey is was not a name familiar to … Read more

Catholics and the Tea Party Movement

Since it became the latest media sensation, commentators have attempted to exploit whatever demographic or philosophical fault lines they can discover within the Tea Party protest movement. One of the media’s favorite themes so far has been the alleged tension between fiscal and social conservatives, or between libertarians and Christians. Some believe that incidents such … Read more

Most Catholics just don’t realize what’s going on at many of our Catholic universities: They need to read the sad story of Marquette University as told by Anne Hendershott in the Wall Street Journal.  Marquette had made an offer to Jodi O’Brien to assume the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.  … Read more

The Sad Story at Marquette University

Most Catholics just don’t realize what’s going on at many of our Catholic universities: They need to read the sad story of Marquette University as told by Anne Hendershott in the Wall Street Journal.  Marquette had made an offer to Jodi O’Brien to assume the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.  … Read more

(Church) Politics As Usual?

Over the past several months, The Telegraph’s (UK) ever-interesting Damian Thompson has written a number of posts concerning Sydney’s Cardinal George Pell and the chance that he might soon be named Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. In early May, Thompson reported that “authoritative sources in Rome” had all but confirmed the good Cardinal’s impending appointment. Yet … Read more

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