Stupak Caves to Democratic Party Pressure

Bart Stupak (D-MI) was becoming a hero to pro-lifers all around the nation with his steadfast refusal to bend under the pressure of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House.  Instead, Stupak has become a hero to the other side — an hour ago, he announced his decision to vote FOR the Senate version of … Read more

Sunday Comics: Uncle Harry’s Monkey’s Uncle, Part 1

Uncle Harry’s museum is up and running–but that doesn’t mean he’s trouble-free, as this ten-part 1962 serial shows. As always, these pages come from Catholic University’s online archive of Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact.  Take it away, Mr. Borth… Yikes!

Is it all hogwash?

My 15 year old son and I attended a seminar today on discerning one’s mission in life.  The day included exercises in self-assessment and was a good experience overall.  Part of the preparation for the seminar was taking a Myers-Briggs test in order to determine your personality.  I was looking forward to it because I’d … Read more

ACORN is about to declare bankruptcy.

According to the New York Times, ACORN is close to bankruptcy. The organization’s leadership are teleconferencing this weekend to work out the details. A network that once included more than 1,000 grass-roots groups, Acorn, which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, was created in 1970 and has fought for liberal causes like … Read more

Who Are These Fake Catholic Groups?

As every American teenager knows, fake IDs are easy to come by.  The same is true in politics.  Anne Hendershott, writing at Catholic Advocate, has explained why organizations like Catholics United, Catholic Democrats, and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good are “fake Catholic groups.” What other than a fake Catholic group would pay for … Read more

Cries and Compromise

Fifteen years ago, night after night, I paced the rooms of our tiny apartment with my daughter Kateri — a screaming infant — in my arms. I ran the vacuum, bounced her on my hip, and swaddled her writhing body with flannel blankets, but nothing the books recommended seemed to work. She screamed so hard … Read more

Her Morning Elegance

Those of you reckless (or charitable) enough to check out my semi-regular Friday YouTube surfing will know by now that I have developed a fascination bordering on obsession when it comes to stop-motion short films. At root, I think my fascination stems from the fact that I have never had much patience, and the amount of patience on … Read more

St. Joseph and Wendell Berry would have liked each other.

Today is the feast of St. Joseph, which Margaret mentioned this morning. St. Joseph is one of my go-to saints and he doesn’t get the attention he deserves. It’s probably how he would like it, but the husband of Mary, earthly father of Jesus, deserves the highest honors. He is the patron of the universal … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Happy Feast of St. Joseph! The Church’s calendar of saints designates today a solemnity, so you should really be celebrating more than you did for St. Patrick’s Day. (And yes, that means you can eat meat. The pope would surely insist, being his namesake and all.) On to the morning’s links:  Twelve more Christians — … Read more

Your Dad’s Dems Passed Bills by Constitutional Means

On a related note to Eric’s post yesterday, I argued over at my TrueSlant blog that unlike their modern counterparts, Democrats of the 1960s passed legislation by constitutional means. Here is a snippet: As Robert Mann showed in his overlooked The Walls of Jericho, Democrats in the 1960s passed civil rights legislation by changing the … Read more

How Not to Imitate Detroit

  Perhaps the most telling sign that our country is headed for trouble is the phenomenon of the shrinking middle class. Once the hallmark of America’s promise, America’s middle class was dealt a serious setback last year against the backdrop of the imminent death of the domestic automobile industry.   In the past, America’s salvation … Read more

George and ‘The Dragon’

I’ve always enjoyed Rick Reilly’s writing. His peculiar balance of brutally hilarious sarcasm and extraordinary feel-good stories that no one else seems able to find has kept him at the top of the sportswriting world for many years. His latest article for ESPN, detailing Denver Nuggets’ coach George Karl’s battle with cancer, doesn’t really fall into … Read more

59,000 nuns support the health-care bill? Not so fast.

Contrary to the letter released yesterday by NETWORK that claims the backing of all 59,000 American women religious in support of the health-care bill, the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious today released their own letter disputing that figure. The president of CMSWR, Mother Mary Quentin Sheridan, writes: In a March 15th statement, Cardinal … Read more

First African American priest being considered for sainthood

Frances Cardinal George of Chicago announced yesterday that he is appointing a commission to gather information about Fr. Augustus Tolton, the first known African-American Catholic priest. Cardinal George said Tolton’s prayer and assistance can help us be “a more united church.” Tolton escaped from slavery at the beginning of the Civil War, and was baptized … Read more

ABC News takes a full week to get it wrong.

ABC News is just now discovering last week’s confusion over Christoph Cardinal Schonborn’s comments on priestly celibacy. If you missed it, the cardinal had written a column for his diocesan magazine addressing the past sex abuse scandal. In the article, Cardinal Schönborn called for an “unflinching examination” of possible reasons for pedophilia, and said that … Read more

In an effort to show that folks like Michael Sean Winters at America magazine are not one-dimensional characters, I post his interesting comment on Catholics for Choice.   In the midst of the various disagreements between the Catholic Left and Catholic moderates, everyone tends to be painted in black and white (I get that a … Read more

Michael Sean Winters Calls Out Catholics for Choice

In an effort to show that folks like Michael Sean Winters at America magazine are not one-dimensional characters, I post his interesting comment on Catholics for Choice.   In the midst of the various disagreements between the Catholic Left and Catholic moderates, everyone tends to be painted in black and white (I get that a … Read more

Fifty-Nine Thousand Nuns Oppose the Bishops on Health Care

“Don’t mess with nuns!” is a comment I’ve often heard over the years from cradle Catholics who were taught by them. The question now arises whether the undecided Catholic members of the House will be influenced by the 60 nuns — each a leader of her religious order — who signed a letter to members … Read more

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) rants against Deem and Pass

Just because I love irony:  That video was from 2003, when the Republicans were in charge of the House.  He was complaining about a “rule” colloquially named deem-and-pass. Now, as majority leader, he seems to feel differently about that particular rule.  This interview comes from early Wednesday (move to 2:20 to hear about deem-and-pass).  I … Read more

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