Book on JPII receives silent treatment at the Vatican

According to a Catholic News Service (CNS) report , a new “insider’s” look at Pope John Paul II is getting snubbed by the Vatican. The book, Why He’s a Saint: The Real John Paul II According to the Postulator of His Beautification Cause, was written by Msgr. Slawomir Oder, with the help of an Italian journalist. … Read more

Why I Signed the CCHD Petition

I’ve been asked why I support the Reform CCHD Now petition requesting that the bishops suspend all Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grants until a thorough review of the program has been completed. A series of reports by Reform CCHD have revealed clear evidence that grants are being given to organizations supporting abortion and same-sex marriage. … Read more

The Ideas Behind Lauridsen’s ‘O Magnum Mysterium’

A little less than a year ago, Morten Lauridsen — my favorite contemporary classical composer by a long stretch — wrote a fascinating piece for the Arts and Entertainment section of The Wall Stree Journal. Entitled “It’s a Still Life That Runs Deep,” it’s Lauridsen’s attempt to explain some of the thoughts and emotions that went … Read more

Sunday Comics: Uncle Harry’s Gold Mine, Part 6

Oh, no!  Uncle Harry signed the contract!!  But that’s not the end of the story–how could it be, with nephews like his? This ten-part 1960 serial, written & illustrated by the prolific Frank Borth, originally appeared in Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact, which is maintained in Catholic University’s online archive.     You know, … Read more

‘1, 2, 3, 4! I Declare a T-Shirt War!’

My latest aimless meanderings through the mind-sucking wastelands of The Ultimate Timewaster have produced yet another unusual time-laps YouTube video for me to share this Friday afternoon: I’m fascinated by this sort of animation, partially because I have never been (and, sadly, will never be) this imaginative. And partially — OK, mostly — because I cannot … Read more

Learning to Forgive

The Eastern Catholic and Orthodox tradition of Forgiveness Sunday — otherwise known as Get Out of your Comfort Zone Sunday — is fast approaching. (As my husband is canonically a Ukrainian Catholic, I have the good fortune of discovering another world of “new” old practices.) On the Sunday before Lent, during a Vespers service, you … Read more

Mr. Winters Wants Me to Dig Out, And I Will

I always enjoy the comments of Michael Sean Winters at America‘s blog — though he did annoy me once or twice. His latest, a response to my thoughts about the possibility of a Catholic Tea Party, is insightful, but it avoids the substance of my argument. Winters attributes my agitated state of mind to the … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Time for a few Friday links: Rhode Island Representative Patrick Kennedy has announced that he won’t be running for reelection. No word on whether it’s because he’s tired of tangling with Bishop Tobin. President Obama appears ready to shut down Constellation, NASA’s manned space exploration program. Some say that the cost-benefit analysis simply makes sense, … Read more

A Book I Want to Read for Lent

Brother Michael Gaitley, MIC watched the NCAA National Championship game at my house between the University of Alabama and the University of Texas. What a delightful man!  He came with his sister, Heather McGrath, whose husband Michael McGrath is on the board at Magdalen College.  Brother Michael’s book, Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself … Read more

St. Valentine’s Day

Last year, my Constitutional Law class was discussing the so-called war on Christmas, part of the effort to remove all things religious (or at least all things Christian) from the public square. One of my students argued that holidays did not need to have a religious basis. As an example, she mentioned Valentine’s Day. I … Read more

The Power of Conservative Hollywood

This film is for those who’ve suffered from religious bigotry. Its sold-out screenings at Sundance and in Salt Lake City are the first step for people to learn the truth about such a damaging and divisive effort. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. The combination of yesterday’s Variety report on Red Flag Releasing’s acquisition of 8: … Read more

Ohio one of the worst states for human trafficking

I’ve picked on Ohio numerous times in the past, and I’m about to do it again.  A new report by the Trafficking in Persons Study Commission (formed last year by Ohio Attorney General Richard Condray) found that Ohio is not only a destination place for foreign-born victims of human trafficking, but also a place of recruitment. In … Read more

Also, I would like a pony.

The Washington Post has published the findings of a recent poll showing that, when it comes to health care, Americans want it all. Over at the American Catholic blog, “DarwinCatholic” breaks down the numbers: Solid majorities think that the current HCR bills are too complex and too expensive, but majorities also approve of the main components: … Read more

Turning the classics into video games

Last June, Margaret told you about video game giant Electronic Arts’ newest action title — a loose adaptation of Dante’s Inferno. Very. Loose. Dante, the one in the game, is no poet. Instead, he’s a war-ravaged crusader with serious post-traumatic stress disorder. But he has his domestic side, too. In fact, the game opens with … Read more

Is It Time for a Catholic Tea Party?

Over 750 “tea parties” were held on April 15 of last year, protesting the excesses of the Obama administration — in particular, the pork-stuffed stimulus bill. Initially, the mainstream media tried to ignore the movement. They downplayed its size and influence, until the steady slide of President Obama’s popularity, the growing opposition to Congress’s health-care … Read more

Snow: Bringing out the dumb in people.

This is what my neighborhood here in Baltimore looked like after our storm over the weekend. And today we just got another 15 inches dumped on us. So, naturally, that must mean it’s time for idiots to try driving in it! It amazes me that anyone would consider heading out in this mess; the city … Read more

Sullivan’s Symphony

Earlier this morning, while drifting through the fantastic world of Naxos Music Library, I stumbled across something quite unexpected. As a long-time fan of Arthur Sullivan’s music — the Kevin Kline-headed Pirates of Penzance is a staple in the Susanka household — I have been aware of (if not quite familiar with) his “serious” music. Yet I … Read more

Free Lecture in Baltimore

People sometimes ridicule the Church’s teaching against artificial contraception, but frequently, they just don’t see why the Church teaches against it. To clearly explain Catholic doctrine in this frequently misunderstood area, Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P., will present a FREE lecture, “Humanae Vitae? Are You Serious?” on Saturday, March 20, at 10:00 AM at Mt. … Read more

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