Deal W. Hudson

Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of "Church and Culture," a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

recent articles

A Catholic Candidate Who Will Not Compromise

Over at the Catholic Advocate, I have posted my interview with Marco Rubio, who is on track to be the GOP candidate for the Florida Senate seat vacated by Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL). Here is an excerpt: For Rubio, his pro-life convictions are the “cornerstone” of everything else. “A society that does not respect the … Read more

Why Did the USCCB Join This Civil Rights Organization?

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has some surprising associations. For example, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR), founded in 1950, lobbies the Congress and White House on behalf of its 200 coalition members, which includes the USCCB. Members of the LCCHR must pay annual dues depending on the size … Read more

The Snow and the Surprising Strength

OK, the snow may be beautiful, but it is not fun!  I took this picture from the kitchen this morning when there were only 19″ on the ground. We are headed for 30″or more.   Enough snow was shoveled in the back yard for the dogs to have a space for their “business,” and then … Read more

Working Hard in Florida for

I’m in the midst of my annual “swing” through Florida visiting various supporters of  Here I am hitting a 4-iron to the 200 yard 9th hole on the Hills Course at Jonathan’s Landing on Jupiter Island.  The ball ended up in the trap on the front right of the green.  I didn’t get up … Read more

More Disturbing News about the CCHD

More startling evidence has been unearthed about the Catholic Campaign for Human development that shows a disturbing pattern of cooperation between the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and groups that advocate abortion and same-sex marriage. Two reports, released yesterday by the American Life League (ALL) and Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM), reveal that the Center for … Read more

More Evidence the CCHD Supports Pro-Abortion Groups

Two new reports have been published today on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). Rob Gaspar at Bellarmine Veritas Ministry has dug more deeply into the CCHD relationship to the Center for Community Change (CCC).  In “Sleeping with the Enemy,” Michael Hichborn at the American Life League has also uncovered more disturbing facts about … Read more

The Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas

Yesterday was the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose name I took on the day I was received into the Catholic Church almost 26 years ago.   It’s hard for me to speak of the Angelic Doctor without gushing — I feel as if I know him personally, I have spent so many hours … Read more

Obama Fails to Seize the Opportunity of His Big Night

President Barack Obama gave his first State of the Union address last night. With his popularity in a steady decline over the past six months, Obama needed his speech to rekindle the enthusiasm for his leadership that elected him in the first place. Thus far, there is no evidence to suggest he was successful. If … Read more

Why the American Papist Went to

As most InsideCatholic readers may know by now, Thomas Peters of American Papist fame has joined forces with our friends at (Brian Burch and Joshua Mercer).  You can bookmark the new American Papist location here. I asked young Thomas why he made the move. He put down his brew slowly and replied, A) I’ve … Read more

Why Is the Obama Administration Going Soft on Iran Sanctions?

Hilary Clinton’s recent comments on Iran sanctions have disappointed the dozen conservative Christian leaders who signed two letters to Congress last year (on September 24 and December 14) expressing support for the House bill intended to stop the rogue nation’s nuclear program. The bill, which passed 412 t0 12, would have authorized the White House … Read more

Famous French Philosopher Defends Benedict XVI

Bernard Henri-Levy, a well-known French philosopher, has come to the defense of Benedict XVI on the issue of anti-Semitism.  His defense is all the more interesting for being published at the Huffington Post, not known for its fondness towards the Holy Father. Known for both his atheism and his narcissism, Henri-Levy comes from a family … Read more

Oakland A’s Baseball Star Enters the Priesthood

Matt Smith, writing at Catholic Advocate, comments on decision of Grant Desme to enter the priesthood. Desme is a rising star for the Oakland A’s baseball team.  God Gets a Draft Pick January 23, 2010 By Matt Smith Grant Desme just became the #1 draft pick on the softball team for whatever parish he may … Read more

Newsweek Writer Incoherent About March for Life

Krista Gesaman at Newsweek has published a story claiming younger women are missing from today’s March for Life.  The problem with the story is that she offers no evidence, and in trying to disguise her lack of evidence the story becomes incoherent. Gesaman’s argument goes like this: 1. The March for Life route is shorter … Read more

An Update On the Struggle in East Jerusalem

Later today I will be speaking to the American Life League conference on “Personhood and Politics: From the Trinity to the Courtroom.” But though the Roe v. Wade anniversary tends to focus my mind on life issues, I watched a BBC news report this morning that reminded me of the ongoing struggle over housing in … Read more

An Evening with Justice Blackmun on the Anniversary of Roe

It was the summer of 1993 — 20 years after Roe v. Wade — and I was teaching a seminar at the Aspen Institute in Colorado with Mortimer Adler. Adler, famous for his Great Books approach to philosophy, was in his late 80s then and had asked for my help in getting through his intense … Read more

Was the White House Watching American Idol?

Matt Smith, writing at Catholic Advocate, gives the most asute assessment of the Scott Brown victory I have seen. I especially like Smith’s comment on the reaction of White House aides like David Axelrod:  They must have been watching the American Idol try-outs in Chicago instead of the returns. The vote in Massachusetts was about … Read more

Scott Brown Wins Massachusetts Senate Seat

With 75% of the Massachusetts returns in, Martha Coakley conceded her defeat to Republican Scott Brown. Coakley was 7 points behind. The last time a Republican held the Senate seat, recently vacated by Ted Kennedy, was 1953!  This election is for the Democratic Party what the 1755 Lisbon earthquake was to Enlightenment philosophers like Voltaire … Read more

Boxer Admits It’s a Bogus Accounting Procedure

Writing for Catholic Advocate, Matt Smith deconstructs Sen. Barbara Boxer’s admission the Senate health care bill fully funds abortion, in spite of the accounting procedures that purportedly keep separate money for health insurance from money for abortion.   Boxer Confirms Senate Bill Does Not Restrict Abortion   January 20, 2010 By Matt Smith A buyer’s … Read more

Catholics and the Personhood Initiative

As pro-lifers head to the nation’s capital this week, they are united in their opposition to abortion funding in the health-care bill. But, as they gather for the 37th annual March for Life, pro-life leaders are divided on the merits of the Personhood Initiative, a nationwide effort to establish legal “personhood” for the pre-born from … Read more

Coakley Excludes Devout Catholics From Emergency Rooms

If you wonder if there is any limit to the anti-Catholicism of pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians, you should try to get your arms around this story. Yesterday, Martha Coakley, the Democratic candidate for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, was asked in a radio interview whether doctors and nurses working in a hospital emergency room have religious freedom.  … Read more

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