An Open Letter to Archbishop Chaput Supporting His Call to Cancel the Youth Synod


October 2, 2018

Your Excellency:

As a young Catholic I write to share my grave concerns about the looming youth synod. I am grateful for your repeated efforts to promote orthodoxy at this event and your attempt to ask Pope Francis to presently cancel it in light of the sexual abuse crisis.

“Right now, the bishops would have absolutely no credibility in addressing this topic,” you said.

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Your Excellency, today I reread Archbishop Viganò’s jarring testimonies. Numerous figures named by him will participate in the youth synod, including:

  • Cardinal Parolin, accused of being “complicit in covering up” for ex-Cardinal McCarrick;
  • Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, McCarrick’s fellow “kingmaker” for Church appointments, accused of being protected by the pope despite shielding an accused homosexual abuser and attacking seminarians reporting homosexual misconduct;
  • Cardinal Cupich, a top revolutionary on homosexuality and denier of its role in the abuse crisis, reportedly elevated by the recommendation of McCarrick, Rodriguez Maradiaga, and Cardinal Wuerl;
  • Cardinal Farrell, the beneficiary of another “miraculous” rise, whose denial of having any inkling of McCarrick’s reputation has been widely questioned as implausible, given their shared apartment;
  • Archbishop Paglia, commissioner of a homoerotic mural starring himself, sponsor of a Vatican sex education program with pornographic images, and accused of being part of a “homosexual current in favor of subverting Catholic doctrine on homosexuality”;
  • Cardinals Baldisseri, Sandri, Filoni, Becciu, and Ouellet, all alleged to have known of Pope Benedict’s restrictions on McCarrick, with Ouellet reportedly now having access to documents “incriminating McCarrick and many in the curia for their cover-ups”;
  • Pope Francis himself, alleged to have knowingly rehabilitated McCarrick into a “trusted counselor” and defended other abusive clergy.

It is scandalous that amidst these grave claims and a crisis of overwhelmingly homosexual predation on the young, both minors and adults, this synod is now targeting youths with a homosexual agenda championed by McCarrick and the St. Gallen mafia. Both McCarrick and the mafia’s leader, Cardinal Martini, openly supported same-sex civil unions, while various mafia members hailed homosexual “marriage” laws and crusaded for “gay Masses.” McCarrick and a mafia member boasted of a pre-conclave plot to revolutionize the Church in four or five years—and now, five years later, McCarrick protégés like Cardinals Cupich, Tobin, and Farrell are leading a revolution on homosexuality, while the youth synod prepares to be governed, in great part, by the Vice President of the Martini Foundation.

He is Fr. Giacomo Costa, a Jesuit who has promoted same-sex couples’ struggle for “social and civil rights.” He has repeatedly praised subversive family synod texts by his predecessor as special secretary and fellow Martini disciple, Archbishop Forte—echoing Forte’s challenges to natural law and hailing his manipulated synodal report on the “precious support” found in same-sex relationships.

Fr. Costa is one of the main engineers of the Instrumentum Laboris, which promotes the ideological term “LGBT” and asks “what to suggest” to youths in homosexual relationships—after already invoking Amoris Laetitia 303, which says conscience can discern that God is “asking” for sexual immorality. This is the very passage that Cardinal Cupich used this year to prophesy of a “paradigm shift” on morality—after declaring, at the last synod, that conscience determines whether homosexual couples can receive the Holy Eucharist.

Your Excellency, Martini said, point blank, that the Church “can’t teach young people anything”; “we can only help them to listen to their inner master.” His “School of the Word” taught youths such “discernment,” a process he modeled in Night Conversations by saying that having the goal of “self-giving” during “physical encounters” is “more important than asking whether this or that is permitted or is a sin.” Youths at a pre-synodal meeting that Fr. Costa helped lead received Martini-like training on trusting their consciences.

Martini plotted to use young “prophets” to revolutionize the Church, and his disciple Fr. Thomas Rosica—this synod’s English-language spokesman, who gave skewed pro-homosexual briefings at the family synod—has stated that the “right young people” need to be invited to this synod. These chosen young participants include:

  • Four of Fr. Rosica’s staff members at Salt & Light TV: Prevain Devandran, writer Julian Paparella, and producers Allyson Kenny and Emilie Callan. Callan and Paparella star in the group’s magazine on the synod, in which a young woman who identifies as a lesbian calls the Church’s prohibition on homosexual activity “heart-wrenching” and lobbies for the “LGBT” community’s inclusion (pp. 48-49);
  • Three of the four handpicked young writers of the pre-synodal document’s Part One: Callan, Joseph Moeono-Kolio, and Filipe Domingues (a Crux-featured journalist who is part of a group with strong ties to Martini’s sexual agenda). Their first draft demanded “open-mindedness” on sexuality and the “welcoming” of “everyone” who violates the Church’s “desired ‘standards.’” Their final text said youths “may want the Church to change her teaching” on “polemical issues” such as homosexuality, cohabitation, marriage, contraception, and abortion;
  • Paul Metzlaff, a theologian who works for the German bishops’ youth office, one of the writers of the pre-synodal document’s Part Three, which demands “practical” language on “homosexuality and gender”;
  • Thomas Andonie, federal chairman of the German group BDKJ, which has challenged Church teaching on homosexual relationships, premarital sex, and contraception—and promoted youth participation in a “gay pride” parade.

Other synodal participants have promoted acceptance of homosexual relationships through collaborative writings with Fr. Costa (Fr. Carlo Casalone, S.J., President of the Martini Foundation), through a “shadow council” (Cardinal Marx and Msgr. Philippe Bordeyne), or through campaigns for “lifestyle ecumenism” (Cardinal Schönborn, the pope’s chosen “interpreter” of Amoris Laetitia). Fr. Antonio Spadaro—the papal confidante who exchanged a big thumbs-up sign with Archbishop Forte when his pro-homosexual report was read, as recounted in Lost Shepherd—will preside as secretary of the synod’s information commission.

We recently saw the iron will for revolution at the World Meeting of Families, organized by McCarrick’s protégé Cardinal Farrell. He celebrated Mass with an LGBT activist deacon, and leaders from the aforementioned “gay Masses” touted their success in going “mainstream” by gaining liturgical leadership roles at Farm Street Parish—with the support of synod participant Cardinal Nichols. Fr. James Martin, S.J., pushed for “LGBT people” who don’t “live up to the Gospels” to be Eucharistic ministers and hailed the group Out at St. Paul—which boasts “Pride Masses,” trips to “gay bars,” and priests who endorse active homosexuality, according to one member.

Now, forebodingly, a new papal document has just augmented this synod’s power. Synodal managers—including Cardinal Baldisseri and Fr. Costa—will wield almost total control over the event, despite Baldisseri’s history of manipulating the family synod and falsely attributing this synod’s pro-“LGBT” language to the document by young people. The synod’s final document will still be written by papal appointees—who in 2015 included Baldisseri, Forte, Wuerl, and Amoris Laetitia’s ghostwriter—but it will now be part of the pope’s “ordinary magisterium” if he desires. It is as if McCarrick’s eerie 2013 talk with an “influential Italian gentleman” about having “five years” is driving the anxiety to speed up this synod’s reverberations across the Church.

Your Excellency, I am deeply scandalized that we young people are being used to push a sexual agenda from McCarrick, Martini, and the St. Gallen mafia. I am scandalized that their spirits are rising, phoenix-like, to preside over this synod, rising to imperil the purity of youths while orchestrating the advance of what Cardinal Caffarra called a worldwide “anti-creation.”

Last year, this dubia cardinal warned that Sr. Lucia of Fatima’s prophecy of a “decisive” struggle over “marriage and the family” was being “fulfilled today.” It was on October 13, 2014—the feast of Fatima’s great miracle—that Archbishop Forte’s rigged report on same-sex relationships was released directly to the media, on the very day that two Italian political parties backed homosexual unions.

As both the October synod and Fatima’s 101st anniversary approach, I urge my fellow Catholics to invoke Our Lady’s aid through the Holy Rosary and the First Saturdays devotion. I pray, Your Excellency, that with her intercession and the bold leadership of all orthodox synodal fathers, we young people may be protected from this synod’s scandalous agenda.


  • Meloni

    Julia Meloni writes from the Pacific Northwest. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Yale and a master’s degree in English from Harvard.

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