Former abortion clinic director admits to fake bomb scare


October 8, 2010

This just in from Tulsa:

A former director of a Tulsa abortion clinic pleaded guilty Thursday to providing false information about a bomb at the facility. 

Linda Meek, 63, former executive director of Reproductive Services of Tulsa, said she called in a false bomb threat in August. 

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Meek, who is no longer employed at the clinic, told the court Thursday that she bought an egg timer at a department store Aug. 13, set it so it would start ticking, and put it in her trash can. She then called the police and reported a bomb. 

The original story is here.  

I’m glad to see this reported, though I do wonder if it was reported by the Tulsa World Online with the same level of newsworthiness as the original “bomb scare” was back in August.


  • Negri

    Jason Negri received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Franciscan University and his law degree as a member of the inaugural class of Ave Maria School of Law. He is a practicing attorney and the elected Treasurer of Hamburg Township in Michigan. He is a member of Holy Spirit Church in Brighton, where he sings in the choir and serves on the parish council. He is also the founder and executive director of the Daniel Coalition, an organization of laity formed to advocate for victims of clerical sexual abuse in the Diocese of Lansing. He and his wife Samantha have 5 children and 3+ grandchildren.

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