Friday Free-for-All: September 24


September 24, 2010

Time for a few links to get the day rolling: 

  • Teresa Lewis was the first woman put to death in Virginia in almost 100 years today. At the National Catholic Register, Danielle Bean says her case doesn’t fit the Catechism’s guidelines of when the death penalty is acceptable.
  • What do people think of the GOP’s “Pledge to America“? It’s getting good reviews in some corners, but others say it’s too thin on the social issues.
  • Orthodox. Faithful. Free.

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  • Are you a Yale grad interested in keeping an open forum for traditional and conservative views at your alma mater? Eve Tushnet would like you to consider Michael Horowitz for Alumni Fellow. Check out his campaign here.
  • Montana woman fends off bear attack — with zucchini.
  • “,” now on Twitter. I loved those books as a kid; somehow this format manages to make it even more creepy. (Via Not Martha)


  • Margaret Cabaniss is the former managing editor of Crisis Magazine. She joined Crisis in 2002 after graduating from the University of the South with a degree in English Literature and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She now blogs at

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