The much-discussed new English-language translation of the Roman Missal has been issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Read the article here.
The USCCB has set a date for implementation throughout all US parishes of the First Sunday of Advent, which is November 27 2011.
“Cardinal George announced receipt of the documents in an Aug. 20 letter to the U.S. bishops and issued a decree of proclamation that states, “The use of the third edition of the Roman Missal enters into use in the dioceses of the United States of America as of the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011. From that date forward, no other English translation of the Roman Missal may be used in the dioceses of the United States of America.
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The date of implementation was chosen to allow publishers time to prepare texts and parishes and dioceses to educate parishioners.”
It will be interesting to see how the various bishops & priests respond to this change.
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