The Pelvic Left Attacks an Innocent Woman


July 7, 2017

Last Friday the leftwing blogosphere lost its mind over the appointment of a conservative Christian woman to a position in the Trump Administration, in this case, the US Agency for International Development (USAID).*

This young woman is a mother who has stayed at home with her kids for the past several years, though before that she served in the Bush White House and the fledgling Department of Homeland Security.

On Thursday, I received a phone call from a leftwing reporter I respect, Lester Feder of BuzzFeed, who is not with us on the issues but has shown himself to be keenly interested in knowing our point of view and letting us have our say in the stories he publishes.

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When he called me on Thursday, I have to admit that I exploded. I’ve never even raised my voice to him, but I most assuredly yelled at him that day. I demanded to know how in the world is this a story? There are perhaps thousands of employees at USAID, most of them politically leftwing and here was a single conservative woman being appointed and this was a story? Quite clearly, one of those lefties at USAID could not stomach the thought of a Christian woman working alongside him. So, he dropped a dime to his buddies on the left and all of a sudden this was a major story.

The crime this young woman committed was questioning the imposition of a transgender policy on the Fairfax County school system. It was imposed without a single hearing for parents to share their views. She spoke at a couple of public meetings after the fact, and wrote one column at The Daily Signal. From this she was fingered as a danger to LGBT agenda that is firmly ensconced in the federal government.

Now, you may ask what does development assistance have to do with LGBTs and you’d have me over a barrel. I couldn’t tell you. But, understand, the LGBT agenda has become a massive program of the US government where it does work overseas. Millions—hundreds of millions?—of taxpayer dollars have been funneled from USAID and the State Department to promoting LGBT issues on the ground around the world.

This woman would have no chance to change this policy. After all, only days ago the Education Department sent new guidelines that say it is a civil rights violation for school personnel to use the wrong gender pronoun. Additionally, the U.S. Army very well could impose transgenderism on its troops. Its been planned since the Obama Administration. Do these people think this one woman is going to change all that? Of course not. What she is guilty of is a thought-crime.

Her story became a sensation: “anti-LGBT activist appointed to USAID.” An anti-Christian outfit called GLAAD actually called her a “violent anti-LGBT activist” though they cannot show anywhere that this woman is in any way violent. It does not matter. No dissent is allowed. No lie is too big.

She is not the only one who has come under this kind of anti-American attack. The White House appointed a Christian woman to head healthcare on the Domestic Policy Council. They attacked her. Several Christians have been appointed to the Department of Health and Human Services. All of them have come under vicious and lying attack by the pelvic left, either for their pro-life or pro-family views. One of my colleagues at C-Fam was appointed to a two-week post to a UN conference and this gentle lady came under vicious attack.

One of the very sad things I see when attacks like this occur is that these people are often left all on their own. What should happen is all hands-on deck. An alarm should go off and all people of goodwill should rush forward to offer their vocal defense. And these people of goodwill ought to include liberals.

Some years ago, I said on radio that the lefties who have ruined higher education should be taken out and shot. Clearly, a figure of speech that nonetheless put me in the (trigger alert) crosshairs of the left. I ended up on the homepage of the Huffington Post for a solid week and it is constantly brought up even today. Did anyone on our side come to my defense? Nope. Not one.

It is as if anyone who is under attack from the left somehow deserves it and therefore we must stand aside so as not to be besmirched by whatever they did. It is like standing aside while a bully beats up your friend. If only I remain silent maybe they won’t notice me over here. Keep my head down, look away. In fact, I was hectored by allies to ceremoniously apologize.

The woman who has come under attack in recent days made a few 3-minute comments and wrote one column and she is being crucified by the left and so where are the columns and letters coming to her defense?

The good news is that the attacks pass, and usually pretty fast. They will go on for a week or so and then end. But the damage very well could be done by then. That person may be cowed into silence. Others may consider they do not want that happening to them and so they will not step out on controversial issues. But here is what those people should know, they are coming for you anyway. Might as well step up now. That is the only way to respond to bullies.

*We are not using any names or linking to any stories so as not to give any more air to the attacks on these good people.


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