Many companies have an incentive process built in to encourage their sales teams to sell more: commission structures, junkets, performance-based bonuses, etc.
Well, the Just Born company (makers of candies such as Hot Tamales, Mike & Ikes and other favorites) decided to offer its sales force an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii if they made their sales goal for the year. And if they didn’t, well, they still got an all-expense paid trip: to Fargo, ND.
“The team had a good year, increasing sales from the previous year by 2 percent, said Josh Halperin, the company’s director of U.S. sales. The goal was a 4-percent bump.
That earned them the trip to Fargo. Some had to go shopping for real winter clothes, such as furry bomber hats, long underwear and parkas.
They are trying to make the best of it, with a little humor.
They planned tours of two North Dakota wineries and a winter extravaganza with a sleigh ride, tobogganing and hot toddies around a fireplace inside a chalet.
On their first night in town, they went to the VFW in West Fargo for a spaghetti dinner. Five bucks a plate, all you can eat.
Afterward, they hauled an old-school popcorn machine into a conference room and watched a movie. “Fargo,” of course.”
No offense to our readers in ND, but I’m guessing December is NOT a good month for North Dakota tourism, is it? At least you got the Just Born sales team this year.
Orthodox. Faithful. Free.
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