The Anti-Human Humanitarians of Davos

The World Economic Forum, with its impressive collection of CEOs ranging from Pfizer to Facebook to Black Rock, as well as senior representatives of all major heads of state, has become an anti-human, globalist shadow government.


January 30, 2023

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“Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.” Since 1971, the World Economic Forum, brainchild of Swiss-German billionaire Klaus Schwab, has gathered the richest elites from the four corners of the earth for an exclusive conference on the globe and its problems.

The above quote, if you believe the WEF managing director, Adrian Monck, is a conspiracy theory about the Forum originating from an anti-Semitic, misinformation account on 4chan. However, if you know how to search Twitter, you can find that the quote is actually both a tweet and a promotional video from the WEF itself in 2016, highlighting one of the organization’s proposals for fundamentally altering human society and individual life at a global level.

This annual, invitation-only meeting of the world’s richest and most powerful bills itself as an academic assembly of global do-gooders plagued by the vilest conspiracy theories. Or, as John Kerry enthused in his WEF speech of this year, it is a select, secretive assembly, almost “extraterrestrial,” in its insight and desire for the earth’s collective good. But the reality is that the World Economic Forum, with its impressive collection of CEOs ranging from Pfizer to Facebook to Black Rock, as well as senior representatives of all major heads of state, has become an anti-human, globalist shadow government. And its agenda is anti-Christian to the very core.

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Lest you believe that I am hyperbolic in my assessment of the WEF’s reach, Klaus Schwab himself congratulated his fellow forum members in 2017 for having “penetrated the cabinets” of the major international players. This has been done largely thanks to the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” program, which has sought out and cultivated rising stars of radical progressivism over the decades, marching them into the halls of power with an alarming rate of success. 

Skimming just the top of the list, you will find Germany’s Angela Merkel, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, Great Britain’s Tony Blair, France’s Emmanuel Macron, and, here in the U.S., Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates are all alumni of the Young Global Leaders program. Supposedly, according to Schwab himself, even Vladimir Putin is an alumnus. The list of alumni also includes many senior public health officials who crafted some of the harshest Covid playbooks around the developed world.

Schwab has always extended an invitation to the pope to attend, and the popes have often responded with a letter to this gathering of the world’s most powerful, encouraging them in their work to find solutions to global crises. The Secretary of State for the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, has attended, as well as Cardinals Michael Czerny and Peter Turkson, in their capacity as the Prefect for the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. In fact, according to the Vatican News, 2023 is the first year that Rome has not sent a representative. The speculation, according to Fr. Susak, the local Davos priest, is that Pope Francis feels that the WEF does too much talking and not enough action.

So, what does the WEF talk about, and why is it anti-Christian and anti-human? Underneath the flashy feature stories, where the WEF promotes groundbreaking technology and cultural innovations that purport to one day make the lame to walk or the blind to see or the naked to be clothed, the ultimate vision is to craft a world where self-selected global elites smugly control literally every aspect of life for us unwashed masses below.

Take, for instance, the assessment of Yuval Noah Harari, a close advisor of Klaus Schwab and Barack Obama, and a two-time recent speaker at the WEF, including in 2020, where the theme of the conference was “The Great Reset”—incidentally, also the title of a book written by Klaus Schwab. Harari was joining other conference participants in envisioning how to harness the global pandemic to enact permanent cultural, ecological, and political change in the world.

Reflecting upon the increase in automation eliminating once fundamental career paths, in his 2020 speech, Harari pondered what to do with all of the “useless people” who have lost any social utility or meaning (in other words, those “non-essential workers”). He coolly suggested that drugs—both legal and illegal—and computer games could satiate the boredom of the 21st century’s masses. Thus, doped up and distracted, there will not be the social revolutions that characterized the masses of the nineteenth or twentieth centuries. 

Such an assessment must make the elites at Davos sleep better at night. After all, their focus is upon climate change and biometric screening, and therefore they are uninterested in solving the drug crisis, screen addictions, or the general sense of emptiness and purposelessness plaguing our globe. In fact, the Davos elites want more technology in every aspect of your life, whether you want it or not.

Instead of tackling these humanitarian crises, Klaus Schwab and his comrades hold up the authoritarianism and control of China as a model for the world. While Schwab tries to be coy about what exactly he means by this, he has praised the Chinese government’s social credit system, which the WEF wants to use to force changes in individual, corporate, and national behaviors. Under such a model, individuals, organizations (including churches), and corporations would be ranked based on their adherence to woke progressivism. Those with poorer scores would be socially and financially penalized. 

If this sounds familiar, perhaps you are uncomfortably remembering being denied entry to a café last year because you could not prove your vaccination status. Remember all of the celebrities, media personalities, and politicians who called for unvaxxed citizens to be ostracized by their friends and family and penalized by their governments and companies? Those programs were initiated across the globe largely thanks to the alumni of the Young Global Leaders. In fact, while billions suffered loneliness, lack of education, spiritual malnourishment, and loss of livelihood, the WEF released a video giddy about how nice the global neighborhood was without all that noise.

Speakers—all invited—at the WEF have been calling for biometric monitoring of the masses since before the days of Covid. For instance, the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, shared with the WEF in 2018 the concept of putting microchips into medicine—supposedly already approved by the FDA—so that medical providers and insurers could track patients to ensure that they were complying with the prescribed treatment. Not content with this, the WEF is also invested in tracking and identifying individuals by their heartbeat and by digital markers woven into the very shirt on their back. As part of this program to create a technologically compliant global citizenry, the WEF focuses particularly upon children. Finally, the WEF is thrilled to announce that smartphones will literally be grafted into your body by 2030.

Authoritarian transhumanism—the enforced glorification of technology to turn mankind and society into its own progressive image—is the fundamental mission of the WEF. As Elon Musk (who years ago declined the invitation to become a Young Global Leader) put it recently, the WEF is “the unelected world government that people didn’t ask for and don’t want.”

The WEF, with its focus on elites controlling every aspect of our daily lives without our permission or even knowledge, is fundamentally opposed to authentic Catholic Social Teaching, which, through the principle of subsidiarity, advocates that power remain as local as possible. This is because human dignity is best served by allowing individuals their own agency. The human person is not a digital number to be organized, managed, and controlled; rather, he is a son of God with the dignity of his own opinion, hard work, property, and sacred privacy.

By contrast, Klaus Schwab and his fellow WEF elites seek a technological final solution to the unpredictability and uncontrollable nature of a global human problem which they can only see as mucking up their nice beaches and vistas. If the World Economic Forum were to act more than it already does and talk less, as Pope Francis has encouraged them to do, we would soon be utterly robbed of our freedom, our dignity, and our humanity.

[Photo Credit: AFP via Getty Images]


  • Cuff

    Mary Cuff is an independent scholar, wife, and homeschooling mother. She holds a PhD in American literature from the Catholic University of America and has published in the Southern Literary Journal, Five Points, Mississippi Quarterly, and Modern Age. She teaches online high school classical rhetoric courses at Homeschool Connections.

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