The Vatican just ran afoul of the LGBTQ mafia. The Synod of Bishops removed a link on its website to New Ways Ministry, a pro-homosexual group whose work was condemned by the Vatican back in 1999 for being “doctrinally unacceptable.” But in an about-face that would make any woke PR director proud, Synod officials quickly restored the link to the Synod website with an abject apology.
A Synod spokesman dramatically stated that removing the website link had “brought pain to the entire LGBTQ community who once again felt left out.” Defender of all things homosexual Fr. James Martin soon announced his satisfaction with the Vatican apology, noting it was “a good example of true reconciliation in the church.”
This whole silly affair is another example of the Vatican’s embrace of the homosexual movement and its soft-pedaling of the Church’s teaching condemning homosexual acts as grave sins. As usual, the entire focus of this incident was on the feelings of the perpetually-offended gay lobby, with the assumption that if one homosexual in the world is upset, then apologies must be made. This has been the norm ever since Pope Francis uttered his famous “Who am I to judge?” remark early in his pontificate.
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Pope Francis has not explicitly endorsed homosexual activity. Instead, he, along with most Vatican officials, have emphasized accepting (or, to use the pope’s favorite word, “accompanying”) those with homosexual tendencies while saying nothing of the intrinsic sinfulness of homosexual acts. This pattern of behavior has, in the eyes of the world (as well as in the eyes of most Catholics), led to the belief that homosexual behavior is now acceptable to the Church, or at least not a big deal, spiritually speaking.
Many times during his pontificate, Francis has made news with his warm tone toward those with same-sex attraction. The LGBTQ magazine The Advocate even named him Man of the Year in 2013. There are few other examples:
- “We have to find a way to help that father or that mother to stand by their [LGBTQ] son or daughter.” (12/2014 an interview with La Nacion)
- Francis reportedly told a gay man, “It doesn’t matter. God made you like this. God loves you like this.”
- “I have accompanied people with homosexual tendencies and also with homosexual practices. People must be accompanied, as Jesus accompanied.” (in-flight press conference returning from Azerbaijan in October, 2016)
Maybe the media is misconstruing the pope’s message: Isn’t he really extending charity to a marginalized group of people? No: the Vatican is well-aware how his message is being received—and the fact that it does nothing to challenge that perception speaks volumes.
Further, these public statements have been backed by actions that support the narrative of accompaniment without repentance. For example, the Vatican has warmly embraced Fr. James Martin, from his appointment to the Vatican department for communications, to his very public one-on-one meeting with the pope, to the pope’s endorsement of his LGBTQ “ministry.”
Essentially, Pope Francis and the Vatican have emphasized one aspect of the Church’s teaching on homosexuality while ignoring the other. In paragraph 2357, the Catechism states, “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.” Strong words which do not allow for much wiggle-room. Then, in paragraph 2358, the Catechism notes, “[Men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”
Without outwardly rejecting paragraph #2357, they have at least ignored it and focused solely on paragraph #2358. Although this gives a veneer of orthodoxy—after all, no Church teachings are denied or contradicted—it allows heterodoxy to run rampant.
This pattern has far-reaching consequences. Homosexual acts are among the great sins of our day, not because they are necessarily worse than, say, sloth, but because they are relentlessly pushed as normative on our culture at every opportunity. In a previous era when there wasn’t a cultural acceptance and promotion of homosexuality, it would likely be wise to emphasize compassion for those who suffer from this disorder. But today, when homosexual propaganda reaches even into our elementary schools, such an unbalanced emphasis of compassion over doctrinal clarity only furthers the LGBTQ agenda.
We see this propaganda has an impact, particularly among young people. Since just 2012, the percentage of Americans who self-identify as “LGBT” has risen from 3.5% to 5.6%—a 60% increase in just nine years. Furthermore, the percentage who identify as LGBT is far higher in younger populations, as can be seen in this chart:
These are not just numbers—they are souls who are engaging in behavior that is destructive to both their bodies and their souls. Homosexual activity is the definition of “unnatural;” it requires using one’s body in ways it was not intended to ever be used. The physical consequences of this bodily abuse are dire: a much higher incidence of serious sexually transmitted diseases, including hepatitis, HPV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS, as well as proctitis, proctocolitis, and enteritis.
But the spiritual damage is even greater. Homosexual behavior is one of the few sins that the Bible says “cry out to heaven” (Genesis 18:20-21). It is a grave sin that separates one from the love of God, leading souls to hell.
None of the physical and spiritual devastation wreaked by the homosexual lifestyle is mentioned by Pope Francis or other high-ranking Church officials. Instead, they give a wink and a nudge to those with same-sex attraction. “We will accompany you,” they say. Translation: “You’re fine.”
Further, most Church leaders have condemned what they derisively term “conversion therapy,” refusing to distinguish between illegitimate efforts to “pray the gay away” and real psychological help for those with homosexual tendencies. Many people with same-sex attraction have psychological wounds in their past which at least in part have caused their disordered tendencies. By uncovering and working to heal these wounds, those suffering with same-sex attraction can better understand how to carry their unique crosses—as we all must. Some have been able, even, to reorder their sexual desires to God’s design.
But to those of Fr. James Martin’s ilk, such therapy should be outlawed because it undermines the “identity” of the same-sex-attracted person. After all, to these wolves, a person doesn’t suffer from same-sex attraction, he is “gay” or she is a “lesbian.” This identity, according to this ideology, is essential to who they are and was given to them by God. This is a lie from the depths of hell itself, yet too many Church leaders have embraced it.
10th century Rome was known as the “pornocracy” because it was run by corrupt officials who prostituted (porne is the Greek word for prostitute) themselves for power. Today it would be appropriate to call Rome the “homocracy” due to the corrupting influence of the homosexual lobby in the Vatican. To overcome this homocracy, we need to return to a balanced approached to homosexuality: charity and outreach to sinners, but hatred—yes, hatred—for the sin which binds them and separates them from the love of God.
[Photo Credit: Vatican Media]
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