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This world is not the same as it was two weeks ago. Technicolor has arrived in Oz. The sense of dread I’ve had for several years now is slowly receding. I can hardly wait to get out of bed in the morning (metaphorically, anyway).
Accustomed as we are to the glacial pace of anything institutional, we’re panting to keep up with Trump’s actions over the past week. I’m chronicling all these accomplishments, but I can’t keep up. I go to bed thinking the day is over and wake up to ten new things. Big things.
Fanning out orders like a Las Vegas blackjack dealer paid by the hand, he is showing us, right before our very eyes, that it never had to be any other way: that abandoned families need not have survived in tents in the dead of winter, four months after Helene. That California homeowners need not be barricaded from starting work on their own property in Los Angeles. That pardoned prisoners need not wait for days on interminable “paperwork.”
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Now we can see that all that stonewalling, small-spirited obfuscation, was ill-willed. At any time, our government could have solved the problems that plague us; for decades, they have chosen not to. Trump, by his barreling locomotive energy, is showing their malfeasance by blinding contrast.
The unjustly imprisoned pro-lifers? Freed on Day 4. Illegal alien criminal gang members? Already on the radar and practically on their way back to their home countries. Taxpayers forced to fund abortion? Gone on Day 5. Central Bank Digital Currency? Dead in the water. World Health Organization? Make it on your own.
See, it didn’t take any time at all. We thought that it was an inalienable characteristic of public service to foot-drag, multiply excuses, go home early (or not show up at the office at all). All this time, we could have been getting things done. Now that we know it is nefarious actors and institutional laziness obstructing every effort at recovery, we won’t put up with it.
I used to sleep with the phone number of a trusted friend on a pad close to my nightstand, in case the Feds came banging down my door. No, I haven’t done anything wrong, but I have spoken out against the very system that specialized in turning innocent people into political prisoners.
I am a very small fish, a smelt, so to say, but with another four years, the tormentors might have gotten down to people at my level, praying in public (already an arrestable offense in England) and writing regime-critical editorials. As much as it would have been an honor, my old body is relieved to have escaped a stay on a concrete bunk with a metal toilet next to me.
I watch some British, Canadians, and Australians on 𝕏, and I’m perceiving a wistfulness: they want a Trump of their own. All three of those sister-speaking countries have endured Biden-style globalists in power, to the great detriment of their people. I don’t think Australians have ever recovered from the Covid tyranny. Canada could be looking at some relief if they can shed Trudeau. The British are in real trouble, with the Prime Minister and Parliament covering for child rapists.
What all three nations are missing is their own version of a Second Amendment. It’s not just the arms that are game-changing; it’s the subconscious level of assurance 2A gives us. God help us ever actually needing it, but it’s there, and it changes the way we perceive our government. It’s like Popeye’s back-pocket can of spinach.
Someone posted on 𝕏 recently what many of us have been thinking: the Church needs a Trump—someone who will survey the bomb-pocked landscape and begin the restoration. Not slowly, either. Right now. The Church needs a Trump—someone who will survey the bomb-pocked landscape and begin the restoration. Not slowly, either. Right now. Tweet This
Someone who will put Tucho aside as he slow-walks the investigation into Marko Rupnik—and who will, for God’s sake, get Rupnik out of active ministry. Someone who will stop the persecution of the Latin Mass, our patrimony, and reinstate Summorum Pontificum. Someone who will correct the flawed documents of this papacy like Trump remedied the harmful Biden executive orders. Someone who will end the surreptitious government funding of the U.S. bishops supporting illegal migration. Someone who will urge the unfaithful bishops out of office the way Trump is cleaning out the traitors in Washington.
Tom Homan, our Border Czar and a Catholic, just advised the pope, a bit pointedly, to mind his own business. Though a tall wall surrounds the Vatican and penalties are high for breaching it, the pope made free to criticize the new U.S. immigration policies, to which Homan replied that the pope “ought to stick to the Catholic Church and fix that.”
I wonder how close this country was to a catastrophic meltdown just a week ago. Our national finances are a wreck, with many banks on the verge of shuttering, financial institutions colluding with a corrupt government, a national debt that could choke a megalodon. It looked positively hopeless. But here comes Trump with immediate action in crypto reserves, setting us up to tame the debt. Here comes the DOGE with a web ticker that’s counting the millions we’re saving every day with a bit of oversight. We might just make it.
The illegal criminal crisis was surely close to a boiling point. Highly-placed intelligence officials warned about sleeper cells. Didn’t we all pray like prisoners hanging over boiling oil on Monday that Trump would not be assassinated before taking the oath of office? This particular threat is by no means over, but the ICE clock is ticking.
Who knows how we escaped a homeland attack when our military was tricking around in high heels and dog bondage masks, celebrating “pride” and forcing decent soldiers to bow before the Woke Baal? Bam, Trump arrives and pulls gender-confused actors out of the military, followed closely by Pete Hegseth’s confirmation, giving the world a picture of an actual male warrior. I think the military recruitment problem is over.
Elevating strong priests and bishops could do the same in the Church. Free the Church of homosexuals in the priesthood. I mean it. It’s not doing them any good; and, God knows, it’s rotting the Church like sulfuric acid, not to mention putting vulnerables at risk. Just rip off the Band-Aid and be done with it. They should not have been ordained in the first place.
People may worry that we won’t have enough priests, but we’ll see a rush of good men to the seminaries, just like the current uptick at recruitment offices. No decent man wants to be subject to homosexual overlords, and there are far too many of them. We’ll find a way to get by without disordered men celebrating Mass until the new recruits make it up the chain.
The parallels between the Deep State and the Deep Church have been too numerous for the magnificent awakening of the United States under Trump not to have a counterpart in the Church. We’ve said and believed all along that Christ would not suffer His Church to undergo final corruption, and this living example of how colossal change happens may fortify us. The renewal of the Church will come.
Indeed, I think it has already begun, as people around the world breathe more freely in this new, living-color world.
[Image Credit: Shutterstock]
To the Muddled Masses who proudly display “No Place for Hate” signs – Eddie’s Sign Emporium in Shickshinny PA is offering a 10% “honesty discount” for adding “Except Trump” to your signs. (He’ll also arrange for environmentally-sensitive disposal of your “Harris – Obviously” signs – his cousin operates the local landfill). Go POTUS!
Thanks Sheryl, for another great article! I wish you lived in SoCal, as we could have a good time sharing thoughts on the cultural and political scene.
One small caveat…there are some very good homosexual priests who recognize that their desires are disordered and who affirm the Church’s teaching. We can’t afford to lose those good men. It is the ones who bring in a gay-is-good theology (and worse, possibly act on it) who are the real problem. There are lots of the latter in the Church, running the seminaries, etc., as we know, and promoting the mindset that God created them as they are, and “how they are” is good, “but we will be chaste.” If it is good, why should they be chaste? At the same time they teach compassion without the law….and many people, especially women, fall for that thinking, which is in reality nothing but misguided sentimentality.
Thank you for your insight, Linda. It is a matter that I debated with myself, and eventually concluded that men with a tendency to homosexuality without action would more precisely be called same-sex attracted, rather than homosexual. If a man were truly chaste, the inclination would be self-contained, would it not? Would anyone else even know about it? Would it not be like an addiction, which remains an interior battle as long as the person doesn’t act out?
I am less convinced that a young man, in this world, with same sex attraction, can remain chaste. Not impossible, but what a struggle. It would be like a recovering alcoholic working as a bartender. Some men may be attracted to the priesthood in the hope that it will help them avoid acting out, but this gives us half-limbed priests.
I think Pope Benedict had the right idea, that men with SSA cannot live out the nuptial meaning of the body in the priesthood. It’s an ontological impossibility, is it not?
When I lived in San Luis Obispo, some years ago, I followed your work and that of your husband, so I recognize your authority in this area. I would have jumped on the Coastal Starlight in an instant to come have a cup of tea with you!
I am logged in as my late husband but it’s actually Linda replying.
My husband used to call homosexuals who did not embrace the identity as integral to who they are, “non-gay homosexuals,” because they see themselves as heterosexual men with a homosexual problem.
He would agree that SSA distorts a man’s perception of the world in many ways, making him more likely to resent and fear male authority, and confusing his understanding of the importance of gender, because he himself is not solidly grounded in a sense of himself as male. So he would agree that the ideal priest would be a heterosexual male. And of course, the heterosexual male is not surrounded by temptation among his fellow priests as the SSA priest would be.
My husband would add that the internet increases temptation for these men greatly, because many of his clients would access gay “dating apps” (as the ever-protective media like to call them) like Grindr whenever they found themselves depressed. Anonymous hookups were available minutes away, any time of day or night. What a sad cycle of endless acting-out of a hoped-for solution to one’s emptiness….
Excellent article. I share your hope and I pray for the man who will hopefully soon be our next pope. I recall when we had Francis as our new Pope and Obama as our president and marveling at high degree of evil present in these two realms of power and how they paralleled each other.
I have slowly come to believe that the WEF or World Enslavement Forum’s lethal ideology, $10 trillion in financing, along with its hundreds of global public-private partnerships, politicians, and NGO’s, like the C40 cities program, is the anti-Christ, anti-Church, and anti-Gospel warning given to us all by SJPII in 1976.
“We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine Providence; it is a trial which the whole Church, and the Polish Church in particular, must take up. It is a trial of not only our nation and the Church, but, in a sense, a test of 2,000 years of culture and Christian civilization with all of its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations.”
I pray Trump is aware of America’s real enemy as we watch very powerful people and agendas unfold within his administration which are contradictory to America’s best long-term interests. I hope it is a question of who is using whom and that it is Trump using these powerful forces to America’s best long-term interests because it would have been impossible for him to have gotten elected without them.
But for the time being we can all celebrate his defense of life, liberty, and property, in rapid succession and in less than one week in office.