Can We Have More Children Please?
A nation unwilling to augment its own population with generous allotments of children will not survive. Nor does it deserve to.
A nation unwilling to augment its own population with generous allotments of children will not survive. Nor does it deserve to.
Pope Francis and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni agree that birth rates need to increase, but why do they ignore the need to increase marriage rates?
Reading through the Instrumentum Laboris (IL)—the working document for the Youth Synod—one gets the impression that the biggest challenge young people face in life is discovering their sexuality. Fortunately, the Synod Fathers stand ready to “accompany” youth on their journey of self-discovery wherever it may lead. The bishops have particular solicitude for LGBT youth who … Read more
I recently returned from three weeks on the road to find a stack of mail on my doorstep. Amongst the bills and magazines, I found a charming invitation to a Sunday brunch being hosted by a family I had known for several years. They had recently welcomed three new babies to the (extended) family, and … Read more
The birthrate in the United States has fallen to record lows, according to a new study published by the Pew Research Center. What’s more, the report says the most dramatic drop has been among foreign-born Hispanic women. We have been content for some time that the U.S.-born Caucasian birth rate was below replacement but that … Read more