Catholic Advocate

Catholics Return to the GOP

CNN national exit polling reports this morning that Catholic voters returned to the GOP yesterday. By an eight point spread, 53 percent to 45 percent, Catholics supported GOP candidates around the nation.  These numbers basically are a reversal of  the 2008 presidential results.  As I predicted in my pre-election comment for Catholic Advocate, Catholics were … Read more

Sr. Anita Baird Apologizes for Defending Obama

 The day after she defended Obama as “pro-choice,” as opposed to “pro-abortion,” Sr. Anita Baird, an employee of the Archdiocese of Chicago, apologized for the remark. The relevant portion of the apology is found at LifeSiteNews: “In order to clarify my quote that appeared on, I am affirming my belief in the teachings of … Read more

Bart Stupak (D-MI) was becoming a hero to pro-lifers all around the nation with his steadfast refusal to bend under the pressure of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House.  Instead, Stupak has become a hero to the other side — an hour ago, he announced his decision to vote FOR the Senate version of … Read more

Stupak Caves to Democratic Party Pressure

Bart Stupak (D-MI) was becoming a hero to pro-lifers all around the nation with his steadfast refusal to bend under the pressure of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House.  Instead, Stupak has become a hero to the other side — an hour ago, he announced his decision to vote FOR the Senate version of … Read more

A Convert Remembers Her First Lent

Brenda Steele, writing at Catholic Advocate, remembers her first Lent after her conversion. As a convert, I remember every minute of the Easter Vigil when I, too, could at long last, partake in the sacrament of the Eucharist for the very first time. If you are a convert, and you’re reading this, you know exactly … Read more

The Domincan Sisters Light Up Oprah’s Show

Brenda Steele watched the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist on The Oprah Show today.  Her comments published at Catholic Advocate, I am sure, echo what all of us who were able to watch the show were thinking.  Here Brenda hits the nail right on the head:  It would have been impossible for … Read more

A Catholic Candidate Who Will Not Compromise

Over at the Catholic Advocate, I have posted my interview with Marco Rubio, who is on track to be the GOP candidate for the Florida Senate seat vacated by Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL). Here is an excerpt: For Rubio, his pro-life convictions are the “cornerstone” of everything else. “A society that does not respect the … Read more

Why the American Papist Went to

As most InsideCatholic readers may know by now, Thomas Peters of American Papist fame has joined forces with our friends at (Brian Burch and Joshua Mercer).  You can bookmark the new American Papist location here. I asked young Thomas why he made the move. He put down his brew slowly and replied, A) I’ve … Read more

Catholic Politicians Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Legislation

Writing for the Catholic Advocate, Matt Smith reports that 39 of the 106 cosponsors of a House bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act are “self-identified” Catholics. Smith, a former associate director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, warns that same-sex marriage activists are trying to bring H.R. 3567 — ironically, … Read more

[This article was posted today at Catholic Advocate.] Four Things the President and Congress Can Do Right Away On Health Care Reform By Matt Smith Congress returns to work today to begin the second session of the 111th Congress. Here are four things the president and Congress need to do this week on health care reform. President … Read more

Catholic Politicians Funded by Abortion Lobby

Lisa Correnti is a San Diego mother of seven children. But like many other Catholic mothers, she has engaged in politics in order to defend the basic values of her faith. For several years she has quietly built her Web site,, into a goldmine of up-to-date information on the performance of Catholic politicians.  In … Read more

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