The Benefits of a Commercialized Christmas
I despise the commercialization of Christmas as much as the next Catholic, but we are foolish not to leverage the many (mixed) blessings afforded to us by technology and capitalism.
I despise the commercialization of Christmas as much as the next Catholic, but we are foolish not to leverage the many (mixed) blessings afforded to us by technology and capitalism.
Like Leslie Nielsen’s famous advice as the building explodes behind him—“OK, move on, nothing to see here, please disperse”—so The New York Times assures us that there’s nothing to the war on Christmas except, perhaps, Republican partisanship. “From the beginning, the War on Christmas was a homegrown Fox News cause, introduced by the so-named 2005 … Read more
Yesterday, I mentioned that two billboards in New York City were carrying on the Christmas Wars. Meanwhile, some billboards in Tennessee are carrying a very different religious message: “proclaiming May 21, 2011, as the date of the Rapture.” The Rapture is going to be a great day for God’s people but awful for everyone else, … Read more