Who Are the Guardians of Tradition?
The third and final episode in the “Mass of the Ages” documentary trilogy traces the renewed interest in—and renewed attacks against—the traditional Latin Mass.
The third and final episode in the “Mass of the Ages” documentary trilogy traces the renewed interest in—and renewed attacks against—the traditional Latin Mass.
To many, Pope Benedict XVI is a radical: an old man clothed in capes, incurably fixed on forgotten principles of a forgotten world—principles that no longer apply to the “real world.” To others, Pope Benedict XVI is radical: a wise man clothed in Christ, inspiringly fixed on the roots, radix, of the world—principles that fundamentally … Read more
Some years ago, when speaking at a Catholic meeting, I said that the older rite of the Mass — what we then called the Tridentine rite — should be allowed more widely. I received a massive round of applause. At the time, I attended the Mass in that form fairly rarely; I just thought … Read more
Chesterton’s Ghost Appears, Suggests Fans Find ‘Other Interests’ LONDON — A London book buyer got the shock of his life yesterday when the ghost of G. K. Chesterton appeared to him and joked that he wished his fans would “get lives.” “I was in The Bookstop, buying a copy of Orthodoxy when a man touched … Read more