The “Private Idea” of Parental Rights

The Left has always held a dim view of parental rights, seeing them as an obstacle to centralized planning. But usually the Left’s spokesmen are a little more circumspect in their pronouncements than MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, who blurted out in a promotional ad for the channel that “we have to break through our kind of … Read more

Of “Hoes” and Double Standards

  Remember when Don Imus saw his cushy CBS Radio and MSNBC career go up in smoke in 2007 when he tried very early one morning to make one of his fake misanthropic jokes about the Rutgers women’s basketball team being “nappy-headed hoes”? Black activists demanded his firing. Advertisers fled. The corporate suits, appalled and … Read more

Who’s Afraid of a Little Freedom of Speech?

Free speech has always been one of our most cherished rights. It has come under attack repeatedly by those who find it to be an inconvenient and unwanted obstacle to the attainment of their political goals. Sometimes, those in positions of power ignore the First Amendment and issue laws and regulations to silence their opponents. … Read more

Quality News, Wherefore Art Thou?

Woman Sues Disney, claims she was groped, molested by Donald DuckMissing chef’s body found stuffed in a freezerPolice: Man suspected in semen attacks Shock as GOOGLE Spy Cams capture girl’s ‘body’ lying on pavement These are four of the headlines on The Drudge Report today. There will be more like them tomorrow… and the next … Read more

Rand Paul addresses Maddow appearance in unnoticed interview.

While Kentucky senatorial candidate Rand Paul pulled back from the national media after his Rachel Maddow Show appearance, he did allow one interview on Friday with local television station WHAS11. It hasn’t gotten much notice, but it’s worth reading. Paul said one lesson learned from the MSNBC experience is “I need to be very careful … Read more

Time Editor Calls Hillary Clinton a ‘Moral Conservative’

Amy Sullivan, the “nation editor” for Time magazine, describes Hillary Clinton as a “moral conservative” on “value issues.” This remarkable feat of partisan editorializing was seen November 8th on MSNBC. The interviewer, Tucker Carlson, responded with disbelief. Carlson asked Sullivan, “Has she [Clinton] ever suggested placing any restriction of any kind on abortion, limiting for … Read more

Six Years: On Revisiting 9/11

This is the first time since 2001 that 9/11 has snuck up on me unannounced. For the past five years, the anniversary has been preceded by a sinking feeling in my stomach that wouldn’t leave until 9/12. And then, of course, there is the usual media rush to wring every last ounce of pathos from … Read more

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