
Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy

The shouting down of “the patriarchy,” the silencing of men, and the indulging of the vicious have created a “therapeutic society.”

Why Boys Are Failing

When he was 13 years old, a mere boy was effectively the American ambassador to Russia, in Saint Petersburg. This was because the lad was fluent in French while his nominal superior, the ambassador himself, was not. The boy had already, at his father’s instruction, translated works of Plutarch from Greek and poems by Horace … Read more

“We Believe in Gaia, the Mother Almighty…”

Editor’s note: this article originally appeared in the January 1992 print edition of Crisis. It has been edited for brevity. I shudder when I hear God called “Mother”—and so do many other Catholics along with me. But what is the reason for this reaction? Is it irrational, or is it justified? Is it mere traditionalism, or good … Read more

When the “Evil” Patriarchy Honored Female Achievement

The modern feminist movement has a long history and a sometimes checkered past and present. Some say it began in the Garden of Eden with Eve’s suggestion being taken up by the whimpish Adam. The ancient Greek dramatist, Aristophanes, in his play Lysistrata, exposes the control women could exercise in a male-dominated society. It is … Read more

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